Pictures of Joe and stuff
Ongoing bedroom/bath renovation
Rome/London January 2004
Los Angeles, July 2003
Documenting Georgia Tech's construction project next to my house, June 2003 - January 2005 (?)
The kitchen renovation project, March 2002 - May 2003
Palm Springs, April 2003
Cancun, Mexico, January 2003
California, September-October 2002
Greece and Berlin, August 2002
London and Stonehenge, June 2002
Toronto, May 2002
New York, March 2002
Miami and Key West, February 2002
Washington, DC, January 2002
Key West, December 2001
Puerto Rico, August 2001
San Diego, Catalina and Disneyland, July 2001
San Diego, May 2001
New York, May 2001
Ibiza and Barcelona, August 2000
New Orleans, October 1999
Europe, August 1999
San Francisco, May 1999
San Antonio, January 1999
Paris and London, January 1999
View of midtown from my house...from the roof

Send an email to Joe_GT *at*