Chris' Nonsense... 


Well heck, I thought I may as well try this wEiRd new fangled web page thing. How easy can anything get??? I mean, I have never even opened a book, attended a course, or asked a friend how to write this stuff. SIMPLE! I'll just keep adding more links as I find 'em. I was also thinking of putting on a few of the programming projects I did and maybe even my resume'...

Some pictures from July 4th '99 Weekend

Some of my ski pictures

Some of my many, many pictures of aircraft

Yosemite and Mammoth 2003 trip


Cool Links

(click on the following banners...)

Motor Head Mania

US Camaro Club Homepage  
U.S. Camaro Club
Lancair Aircraft Homepage  
Lancair Kitplanes
Motorhead Links 

The Great Outdoors

Bay Area Mountain Biking Homepage  
Bay Area Mountain Biking


My Favorite Italian Links

The Italian Studies Web
Moma's Italian Cooking Glossary

CIAO Homepage  
CIAO Home Page

Other stuff

Intel Homepage  

Bay Area Restaurants
KSJO Radio
Lake Tahoe News Network 
The Silicon Valley Gateway 
SJSU Spartans Football

If you would like to e-mail me, you can do that here: Chris' Nonsense...