Welcome To My HOMEPAGE
It's only once in a blue moon that I change this homepage. You know, updating and so forth. There won't be much that wasn't there last time, just updated info about myself mainly. Not that I get all that many visitors.
Anyway, check out the other pages to my site.
Take some time to browse through this page, check out my links -
there might be something that catches your eye. The links have been there ever since I first built this page, so I figured I may as well leave them the way they are. Underneath all those links is a little info about myself.
These are some of my favourite sites, some of my not so favourite sites, and some sites that I think other people might like.
Joecartoon - a great place for animated violence!!
TTFM - listen to Australian radio via the Internet
Hotmail - web based email
YaHoo - chat, e-mail, search, and a homepage editor - 100% free for life!
YaHoo Australia and New Zealand - the title explains it all: YaHoo for Aussies and Kiwis!
Blink 182 - the official homepage of Blink 182
All PSX - one of the best sites to get PlayStation cheats!
Healesville High School - the web page of the school I attend.
O.k., a bit more about myself. I'm 17, I live in Australia in the state Victoria, in a little mountain town called Healesville.
I enjoy spending time outdoors - usually on my mountain bike, riding from here to there just for fun.
I also like things that let me be creative - like building homepages for instance, or writing poems or stories etc.
I like chatting and meeting all kinds of different people, although I don't chat as much as I used to. 
I used to have an area of my homepage that had a few mini-games on it, but that rarely  ever worked, so I'm planning to replace it with something else, although I don't know what yet.
Well anyway, please e-mail me and tell me what rubbish you think my site is or to say whatever you want about it. I'd like any feedback, but you can't click on my e-mail address, so don't waste time trying.
Well, like it or loathe it, THIS IS MY SITE!!!
Mail me at  dookybunny@hotmail.com  and tell me what you think of my page!