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Copperhead Road

This is a picture of my Jeep "ZIG'S RIG".

Hi! My name is Dave. My site is Named "Copperhead Road" after a trail some of my friends and I like to take in the Sierra mountains near Lake Tahoe , CA. I am in the process of totally re-doing the look and feel of this page so you will be able to see new additions everyday! The latest addition to my page is the Jeep mail that I now offer. You can have your own Jeep E-Mail address and log on Right from my page, or go to the JEEP mail home page , and log on there.All I ask in return is that you sign my guestbook! It's that simple! Drop me a line with any feedback you might have. I also have a new feature that allows you to link my site to your own with my Add-A-Link page. This is where you can add your Website to my links page in return for a link on yours! Pretty simple stuff,Huh?

This page will eventually have more pictures of my jeep , a 1995 Wrangler with a black hardtop.(I have such a hard time getting pictures developed.) There will also be some changes comming in the future for 'ol Zig's rig!I plan a 4 inch suspension lift (RE), a killer set of Dick Cepek mud terrains(33x10.5's,I think) , and a 500 watt stereo , a hand throttle , an onboard air compressor, new bumpers and a winch.Just waitin fo some cash! In the meantime , check out these cool jeep links!(Don't forget to leave me your url and I'll add your site to the links page)

C'mon,sign it already! Check out the guestbook

Email me with comments ,shortcuts,advice,or to tell me about your rig..
Please come back soon and visit me.

skullVery cool Jeep site!

skullThe Ultimate Jeep!

skullFuture Jeep!

skullcall it "HELL"!

skullYou've GOT to Check out this site!

skullGreat links Page!

skullBill's Page.Parts links and a cool 76 CJ5
skullThe best Jeep site from the Netherlands
skullCoolest Chick on the Net!

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