Some people think the "BAJA" crowd is a "12 pack" toten', dust raisin', bun kickin', flag waivin' bunch of red necks. Well. . . We're really home folks! Not to say that, if you stop by my place, we won't blow the froth off of a couple, stir up some dust, AND wave a flag. . . but Baja people have that gentle, kicked back streak too! . . . Just like DESERTS! |
If you really knew the DESERT!
just want to relax?
check this out! |
. . . .The DESERT! can be a good friend! I'll show you some REAL COOL stuff that you can do in the DESERT! with your kids and other loved ones--just like we did and still do! For now, here's some good stuff about DESERTS ! (teal color means a "future link" without the "UNDER CONSTRUCTION" dead end! Pass the "TEAL color" link "word" along to the "under construction" crowd !) See where the Baja crowd plays