Here is a low buck project, I did last winter....Total cost was about $500.oo. Nothing real fancy, but good cheap fun.

HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL OR TRADE ?.....Visit my Buy & Sell Page, where you can use it too sell or buy, bug related Item`s: CLICK HERE TO POST ON THE BUY AND SELL PAGE KINDA SLOW THOUGH ! .............................................................

Barney Stat`s...........................................................1600cc DP Engine with recent rebuild on it Swing axle, with recent rebuild, new clutch assembley Sand Seal Power pully, Tri Mill Header system, Solid strap kit for swing axle Transaxle, 1989 Jetta {comfortable} Seat`s, 1960`s Unique front end, with custom visor Tera Tires, {love the mudd and sand, for lunch}, 11 Gallon spun alunimun gas tank, Engine cage, coil over shock`s front and rear Rear spoiler, and light bar have been added since these pic`s were taken Below is a few pic`s of Barney, the very bottom pic is the first night that I brought him home. The other pic`s are after about two month`s of work. He is strickly made for OFF ROAD USE ONLY....... If you have a baja bug site, and would like to link to my page, and vise a versa, all you have to do is ask....Thanx for stoppin by, and dont forget to sign my guestbook.Thanx

TO MY BAJA BUG`s LINK PAGE .......{NO COMMERCIAL LINK`S...Only home grown buggy link`s}

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