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You should haveMP3andVQFplayer for enjoying these songs.

Click on any song name to download :

 1. Bhalobashi Tomai - Anjan Dutt                        ( in WAV format - 1.62 MB )
 2. Chaya Chaya Bhalobasha - Souls               ( in VQF format - 3.8 MB   :  Its not a .WAV file. Please change the extention to .VQF after download )
 3. Tomar Jonno Noi - Shuman                               ( in VQF format - 3.8 MB   :  Its not a .WAV file. Please change the extention to .VQF after download )
 4. Er Beshi Kichchu Noi - Jewel                           ( in VQF format - 3.3 MB   :  Its not a .WAV file. Please change the extention to .VQF after download )
 5. Ek Er Bhitor Teen - Feelings                              ( in VQF format - 2.51MB :  Its not a .WAV file. Please change the extention to .VQF after download )
  6. Bondhu - Warfaze                                                     ( in VQF format - 3.3 MB :  Its not a .WAV file. Please change the extention to .VQF after download )
  7. Calcium - Anjan Dutt                                                ( in VQF format - 2.4  MB :  Its not a .WAV file. Please change the extention to .VQF after download )
  8. Prarthona - Ekaras                                                    ( in MP3 format - 4.43 MB )
  9. Duronto Mae - Feelings                                          ( in MP3 format - 3.38 MB )
10. Coffee House Er Shei Adda - Manna De    ( in MP3 format - 5.29 MB )
11. Ekhono Keu Tomake Chay - LRB                ( in MP3 format - 4.15 MB )
12. Durer Tomake - LRB                                             ( in VQF format -4.56 MB )
13. Shorot Babu - Bhupen Hajarika                           (in MP3 format - 2.92 MB )
14. Dhitan Dhitan - Hemant Mukhapadhaya             ( in MP3 format - 2.24 MB )
15. Bangladesh 95 - Dhaka                                        ( in MP3 format - 5.50 MB )
16. Akaki - Ark                                                                  ( in MP3 format - 4.01 MB )
17. Shanti Chai - Miles                                                  ( in MP3 format - 5.13 MB )
18. Gaan Oala - Shuman Chottopadhaya                    ( in MP3 format - 2.14MB  )
19. Nish Shartho Alingone - Souls                          ( in MP3 format - 3.96 MB )
20. Ei To Shedin - Miles                                               ( in VQF format - 4.09 MB )
21. Lutpat - Feelings                                                         ( in VQF format - 3.20 MB )
22. Dure Bohudure Gangcheel - Ark                  ( in MP3 format - 3.20 MB )
23. Shedin Chander Aalo - Indra Neel                  ( in VQF format - 3.34 MB )
24. Jachhe Chole - Anjan Dutt                                   ( in VQF format - 2.64 MB )
25. Duranto Ghurnee - Hemant Mukhapadhaya     ( in MP3 format - 3.06 MB )


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