"Oasis In The Desert"

Welcome to our little bit`o`heaven-on-earth!

At home on Sabino Creek ~ Bob and Kathie Meyer ~ Tucson ~

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Don`t let all the different trails get you confused. Just keep an eye on the numbered markers and you won`t get lost trying to find us. Also, guests can ignore the "No Trespass" signs.

If you are new toTucson, you no doubt have already heard all about Mt. Lemmon. There`s no escaping it. By the time you stop for gas, grab a bite to eat, or use a public phone you`re suddenly aware of places like Mt. Lemmon, Sabino Canyon and "Old Tucson."

That is Mt. Lemmon just Northeast of us, some 9,000 feet up. And you`re in Sabino Canyon which, as you can see is nestled in the shadow of the "great" mountain.


We are practically natives to Tucson. Kathie came here in 1953, from Galena Park, Texas. I was born in Beach Grove, Indiana and came here in 1943. We met in high school, and, as they say, the rest is history; a whole lot of history!

No, we didn`t marry right out of high school ( a fact that amazed our friends and families, at the time ), but several years later.
I enlisted in the US Marine Corps Reserves and moved away from Tucson. Kathie attended nursing school and moved back to Texas for a time. But, we eventually decided it was time to settle down, marry and raise a family.

What a family! Five of our own and several adopted and foster children throughout our, now, 43 years (2006) together.

On these pages we hope to have you become one of the family. Walk the many paths we`ve taken and have a lot of real belly-laughs, or shed a tear or two if you feel moved to do so.

You`ll find a lot of links that will better help you become familiar with our "digs" here, and photos to cause you to smile or maybe even laugh out loud.

*Kathie is descended from the Cherokee Indian People of East Texas and Oklahoma, and we both have an abiding love and respect for all the first Peoples of this great Nation.We have included a tribute to all Native American Peoples on special pages we feel you will find inspirational, as well as educational.

There are "scrapbooks" which captures various ones of our friend`s and family at their best, and worst; playing and working, or just doing nothing at all.

We hope you will enjoy our eclectic little site, our family and all the beautiful links we have provided here covering the


Now, let us show you our

"Oasis InThe Desert."


*Kathie`s Native Roots
_/:\_ Ani Tsalagiyi Nvdagi _/:\_

Mt. Lemmon


San Xavier del bac Mission

San Xavier del bac Mission

"The white Dove of the Desert"

Sabino Canyon Dam - AZ State Flag

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Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum


"NEW" City of Tucson Links


No matter the season, there`s always a place in the sun, for everyone. Please, get comfy and enjoy our desert, as we do.
Kathie and Bob Meyer & family


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