"Welcome to Nick's Neck of the Woods!"

"Artwork is a MikeOriginals"

Nick's Notes.... Hello and welcome to my neck of the woods. My name is Nick, age 37. I enjoy surfing (the net), football, wrestling (wooooo woooo), NASCAR and PlayStation. I love to deer hunt, but haven't had the opportunity to go in a few years!
On August 17, 2004, I did something that changed my life forever! I had gastric-bypass surgery in order to lose weight...a lot of it! As of April 16, 2006 I have lost 275 lbs! Dr. DeWitt in Birmingham, AL. is my surgeon. The doc is truly awesome! I owe my life to God & Dr. DeWitt. Be sure to check out my links at the bottom of this page to view my Weight Loss Surgery page.
My Pro-football team WILL WIN the Superbowl this year! GO COWBOYS!!! (I keep saying this in hopes that it will come true!)
Wrestling..hmm...this is my favorite passtime. I admit that I'm somewhat addicted! I have been involved in wrestling for as long as I can remember! I have had the opportunity to meet many amateur & professional wrestlers...In the picture below (taken years ago), my friend Wayne (on the right) and I happened to meet Chris Benoit!
Please be sure and sign my guestbook and return often for updates! Thanks!

This is me in Dec. 2005 Age 37

~Me, My little brother David, and My BIG brother Bryant, Grandma K, Mom & Dad~

~Family...Is SO awesome!~


Ric Flair Fan Club
My Gastric Bypass Journey

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