We spent alot of time gathering information and reading specs. on other Buggies.Learning from our friends was a good source also!! They have been there and done that ! If it didn't work for them,then it won't work for you either. But don't be afraid to improvise...that will work!!!
My name is Denny and my wife's name is Judy, we live in Hobart,IN. My screen name is none other than Terra Trak ! We run terra tires and they leave terra tracks....Hence the name Terra Trak...and now you know. This area is the pits for buying parts, so everything had to be mail ordered and wait. There is not only -no place to buy parts-but no place to ride either-so we go street legal and drive the neighbors nuts. But we do trailer the buggy to Michigan and ride trails with our friends and have a blast climbing hills, running mud, sand and dodging trees...now that's FUN !!
Our Buggy is built for trails, hills and mud. We like sand as well...but prefer the off road action and the high speed trails by far !! Navigating trails with trees, ruts, hills and mud is a challenge of your driving skills and a real test of your machine, as well as your ability to turn a wrench !!
recycled an old buggy....Not the cheapest route to go,
but one heck of a learning experience. In 1995 we bought a used buggy and
T trailer for a good price. But once I started redoing
it...I just kept on going and going. I modified the Berrien 902
frame by slanting the windshield back 8" and welding in lower top
bars to get a lower profile. You can see the comparison
under my recycled buggy section. The original engine
(1972 VW 1600cc..dual port) was scrap. So that was replaced with a new
1776cc. Built by me and a lot of tool fetching by our Grandson.
I started him at the age of 2 going for tools. He
also had the only mobile monkey bars around...check out the Lil' Devil too !!
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RECYCLED BUGGY PAGE.....see pictures on how we got it done
FRIENDS BUGGIES.....some of our friends and their buggies
RIDING EXPERIENCES.....pictures of a few weekend trips
BUGGY LINKS.....click here to visit other buggy related pages and Suppliers
LIL'DEVIL..... pictures of our grandson doing his thing
E-Mail me at : terratrak@comcast.net