This Page is Dedidcated to FL250 Odysseys

Looking for an Odyssey? I have added an excellent Odyssey for sale listing Click here! Do not use any images found on these pages without prior consent.

How the Odyssey's drive system works
Prices for commonly replaced parts
Quick Referance Specs for all Years
Technical Data for all Years
Maintenance schedules

1977 to 1979 Odyssey Specs and Info
1980 Odyssey Specs and Info
1981 to 1984 Odyssey Specs and Info

Things to look out for when Purchasing a used Odyssey
Odyssey Performance
Aftermarket upgrades for the FL250
Riding the Honda Odyssey
Odyssey's for sale in Canada and the United States
Intresting Modifications
FL250 Rear suspension

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Picture Page #1
Picture Page #2
Picture Page #3
Picture Page #4
Pictures of my 1983 Odyssey #1
Pictures of my 1983 Odyssey #2
Odyssey related LINKS
Odyssey chat

'77 to '79 Wiring Diagram
1980 Wiring Diagram
'81 to '84 Wiring Diagram
FL250 Goki Electric start Kit
Towing with the Honda Odyssey

The Honda Odyssey is a single seat dune buggy/ATV with an air cooled 248cc engine. It was first sold in the fall of 1976 as a 1977 model and was made until 1984. Similar machines were released by Honda in 1985, 1989, and 1990 but sales were poor and they were discontinued. The '77 to '84 models were known as the FL250, the '85 model was the FL350 and the '89 and '90 models were known as the FL400. This page contains info on the FL250 only. If you are intrested in info on the FL350 Odyssey, please check out my FL350 website. Honda designed the FL250 with a simple engine and drivetrain. It uses a 2-stroke motor and a automatic clutch system like those found on snowmobiles. While they are not lightning fast, they are capable climbers and are a hell of alot of fun. They can easily be modified and there are more aftermarket parts available than you might imagine. I hope you will enjoy this site, It is the most complete and accurate FL250 site on the internet and I keep it up to date as much as possible. Send email to

visitors since April 1, 1998

Some images courtesy of Honda Motor CO. LTD

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