Where Buzzy thrives and Punky used to...

We at JENDICK MOTORS are poor, so our motto is, "IF YOU DIDN'T BUY FROM US THEN WE DIDN'T MAKE ANY MONEY". Please be a Godsend to our local economy and buy your favorite vintage bike or sports car from us.

"The association of motorbikes with JENDICK is no accident of publicity. They are both a means to an end, to a place of definitions". --- legal guidance by Kinny Scheibel, JD --- jewish mysticism by Doodles Rosencrantz

Jen is hard to know, but even without being sure of her history it seems entirely reasonable to think that every now and then her energy comes to a head, in a long fine flash, for reasons that nobody really understands --- and which never explain, in retrospect, what actually happened. --- Jen's got the highway blues. You can tell by the way she smiles --- rides a 72 Honda CB 350 to live --- captains a 93 Ford Exploder, "good car to drive after a hard rain..." and her navigator, Buzzy, 4-legged boy of her life, can't leave home without 'em.

Dick is madness in any direction, at any hour. If not up and down the east coast, then across to Seattle or down the 5 to San Diego... Jen senses that whatever Dick's doing, is koo-koo, but they're winning...

Jen sense's inevitable victory over Dick's forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; she doesn't work that way. Their energy will simply prevail. There is no point in fighting it --- Jen and Dick have all the momentum; they're riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave... --- Dick's been out on the road too long, sports a 65 R60/2.

Our boys, Buzzy and Punky ....

Club member well on his way.........................

It's always a boogerune at JENDICK MOTORS...
Place your orders now!!!

2108 Redwood Crest
Vista, CA. 92081
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JPEG: '45 Chief

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Patti Smith
Absolutely Cynthia Marie

Critical analysis and art direction by --
Eliani Roman and Axel Rosencrantz

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