A private expedition through Africa by Landrover in '92/93. From the sands of North Africa, to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in Cape Town.

Derick's Africa Overland Site

This site is dedicated to independant motorised travel through Africa. The information is based on my experience of travelling from London to Cape Town in 1992/93 and updated with additional information I have obtained since then. The site is not intended to be a 'how to do it' site, but concentrates more on what it is like to travel through Africa. If you have no interest in driving through Africa, then this site is unlikely to interest you, but if you are planning such a trip, then I hope the information will help you. The journal section contains a transcript of the journal written during the trip, which concentrates on the logistics of getting through Africa. The letters section contains more descriptive information of the expedition.

This site is organised into the following main sections:

The route I followed and major statistics.

My daily journal written during the trip.

Letters to friends and family.

The vehicle and equipment taken.

Links and bibliography.

Trips to Africa since the main overland expedition.

This site is fairly well populated although considerable work is still required to fully comment the journal and to add the letters section. The links section will be updated as more sources are identified and the in-line pictures will be changed for variety and as better scans are made. So check back on occasion to see what's happening. If you have specific queries, you can contact me at d.lean@rheagroup.com in the meantime.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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All phtographs Copyright Derick Lean, 1992, 1993, 2000, unless otherwise attributed
Text and graphics Copyright © Derick Lean: 1994 - 2000
Last Updated: 15th May 2000 (Extra trips section added)

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