Welcome to the Rod´s homepage
(rtx as 43 sd 012 & 43 sd - OC 006 )
Welcome to my homepage,My name is Rod,I join the Sugar Delta group on 1997 , I live in
Tasmania Island IOTA OC-006 and my hobbies are radio,and fishing.My island has some
of the best fresh water Trout fishing in the world,with many lakes in our highlands. I was born
in Tasmania in 1948, I´m married and my job is a boiler operator in a local paper mill. My
radio is the Icom 720A and my antena is a 6 elements yagi beam,with boom length 8 meters
long.Some of my countries worked are : Italy , France,....Hawaii,New Zealand,Philipines,Indo
nesia,.............Balearic islands,Tuvalu Island,.....,Kiribati,Japan,Mexico,.....
All the best from Nth. West coast of Tasmania...............Friendly Rod
E-Mail : 43sd012@geocities.com
Click on the photo to see my station and my antena.
"The operators are who make the group"
"There are not limits for a special DX´ers , only the universe"
Offical Sugar Delta IOTA logo
Click on the logo to visit SD IOTA page
(Recomended 800x600 & sound card)