My name Is Paul I have created this page to help others understand the hobby of four wheeling and to show my love for the early bronco. I have just started to write this so please bear with me (well I wrote it quite a few years ago and havn't updated it much while I learn how.

first I guess I should tell you a little about me and my truck. I am a stagehand in NYC during the week and a serious fourwheeler on the weekends.  and I recently got married. On weekends I used to drive a '77 bronco but as of this writing I am building a '73 bronco with a fiberglass body.  I will be creating a new page just for specs and pics of this truck alone. On my picture page you can find pictures of me and my friends wheeling I will try to put up a new page for each event until I run out of room on my server then I will start removing them.  that's all for now have fun. and check back soon.     


E-mail meemailscr1.gif (24433 bytes)

 New.gif (17000 bytes)  Updated pics from the Beacon trail in Massachusets


Mabell trail

Frame pix

new body

Paragon Pix

Ok Auto pix

long Island Off road

long island 4x4

Eastern 4 Wheelers


Long Island Beach Buggy Ass'n, Inc

Blue Ribbon Coalition

metal ward

Rick Mundy Water Colors










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