'67 Chevy's Corner
Created by Frank (Chevy) Chiaverini
Hello Spellman Pilots. Welcome to the Home Page dedicated to the wonderful graduating class of 1967. It has been a long time since many of us have been in touch with one another, so I thought this Web site would be a great vehicle for that purpose.
Actually, a few of us were together at Andy and Marietta Api s annual Christmas party and decided that we should try and stay in touch with each other more often. We have crowned ourselves "The Big Amoebas". Spouses of Spellman Alumni are hereby called SOSA. Since the Internet provides the capability to reach and connect across the globe, we thought we could use this site to reconnect with all our old Spellman friends.
So spread the word and sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page. If you have ideas on how to improve this site, please share it with me.
Here are the members of "The Big Amoebas" that did a lot of reminiscing at Big Andy s party:
Frank (Chevy) Chiaverini, Andy Api, Marietta Api, Larry Petrosino, Gary Gong,
Tony McAllen, Lou Zani, and Renzo Zucconi.
Here is the rumored skinny on "The Big Amoebas":
Chevy recently hit it big in the lottery and conducting international arbitrage in the foreign stock markets. He roams the French and Italian Riviera in his yacht in the summer, and alternates between the Bahamas, the Florida Keys, the Ivory Coast and most other European, Asian and American ports of call with his college sweetheart and wife (yes together).
Andy is a world renowned electric train collector and roller coaster aficionado. He was last seen hitting the heights in the Andes Mountains. Believe it or not, even Andy can get up really high. His wife and Spellman alum still keeps him in line.
Larry is a highly regarded neurosurgeon who charges a fortune for his brainy work. He really is cerebral but he does possess another uncharacteristic side. He has appeared in guest roles on television shows such as ER, Chicago Hope, Dr. Kildare, Ben Casey and Marcus Welby, MD. Yeah, he is pretty old.
Lou is known to be in the Witness Protection Program. He has revealed numerous Mafia secrets, ala Joe Valachi. The movie My Blue Heaven, starring Steve Martin, was based upon Louie s life. What a guy!
Gary has built up a reputation over the last thirty years as a golddigger. He spots a suitable wealthy woman, wines and dines her, and then pops the big enticing question. He now is on his eighth mark and boy is he loaded.
Renzo became a pilot soon after graduating college. He is an astronaut and performed his last assignment as a Hubbell Space Telescope repairman. Thank goodness for those long tether cords or Renzo would still be floating off in space somewhere. Tony McAllen finally achieved his lifelong aspiration of becoming a Mongolian monk teaching small children how to play cricket in Brooklyn. To this day, no one has ever heard Tony curse. He's married to Mingles the Clown and he still believes he is the Spellman student council president for life.
John Gary was seen selling flowers in Tibet. He was vying for the movie roll that Val Kilmer had in the flick "The Seven Years of Tibet".
Mike Mulligan has been located in Czechoslovakia as a member of their national basketball team. He was last seen playing a game in Kuala Lampor under severe duress.
Tony Servidio is Pierce Brosnan s movie stand-in. He recently was seen (or not really seen) in Tomorrow Never Dies. Tony also is the ultimate Hair Club for Men member.

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