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Temporarily under construction

Hi! Long time, no update!! Well, I have to admit I have been real lazy about keeping my website up....In fact it's been over a year since I have updated!! But hey I have been extrodinarily busi. I have a job now, I turned 16 this past June, I have a boyfriend, I just finished my home studies (I passed with a B!), I'm also a Jr. in school, and have been in my voice lessons. Hopefully going to golden state competition this year.
Well I have added some new section to my web page in hope that people will return. I'm putting some of my poetry on it and I'm keeping the pictures of my friends and family. I will also try to put a page in, in tribute to my two grandfathers who served in WWII.
Since I'm going to be doing some mager work I won't be done for a while. Please try to return to see my updates.

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