The Urban Jeep Web Page!
The mission statement of this web page is to promote Jeeping. I apologize for my previous statements that promoted illegal four wheeling. That is not at all what four wheeling is about and I am ashamed of my past behavior.
Hi, I'm Johnny Jeep. I recently purchased a '98 Jeep Wrangler Sport with a 4.0 litre 6. "Tread lightly"!
This site will be posting the ongoing adventures of Johnny Jeep as "Off Roads" his way across America.
The Urban Jeeper himself - Johnny Jeep! Page 2
HardCore Jeepers - FastEddie & the TJ_WFO! Page 3
HardCore Jeepers - G_Man & Mad Man! Page 4
HardCore Jeepers - Jon olllllllo! Page 5
HardCore Jeepers - Hobbs & the Mighty Eight! Page 6
The UJTWP Ten Comandments of Jeeping, Quotes to note, and Great Links!
The Jeep Pros and Jeep Parts & Accessories!
If you would like to have your Jeep included in our HardCore Jeepers pages, have questions, or comments - send me an E_Mail!
E_Mail Johhny
The number of missing and kidnapped children, teens, and adults is alarming! Johnny would encourage you to watch the pictures for a few minutes. Who knows when you may be the person who can help unlock a mystery!
Your already here so you might as well -"Sign My Guestbook"