She love to party, have a good time
She looks so hearty, feeling fine
She loves to smoke, sometime shifting coke
She'll be laughing when there ain't no joke
A pimper's paradise, that's all she was now
A pimper's paradise, that's all she was
A pimper's paradise, that's all she was
Every need got an ego to feed
Every need got an ego to feed
She loves to model, up in the latest fashion
She's in the scramble and she moves with passion
She's getting high, trying to fly the sky
Now she is bluesing when there ain't no blues
A pimper's paradise, that's all she was now
A pimper's paradise, that's all she was
A pimper's paradise, that's all she was
Every need got an ego to feed
Every need got an ego to feed
A pimper's paradise, that's all she was now
A pimper's paradise, that's all she was
A pimper's paradise, I'm sorry for the victim now
A pimper's paradise, soon their heads, soon their
Soon their very heads will bow
Pimper's paradise, don't lose track
Don't lose track of yourself, oh no!
Pimper's paradise, don't be just a stock,
a stock on the shelf
Stock on the shelf, Pimper's paradise,
that's all she was

~*~*~Perfect way introduce us~*~*~


This is Pixie
HeRe i Am.....PiXiE

This is Keli
ThIs Is KeLi

UPDATE: AUGUST 25th~*~Traveling from California to Pennsylvania to the National Rainbow Gathering was quite the adventure. While driving with some beautiful people (Lotus, Ivy, Isaac and Dave) we broke down in OKLAHOMA CITY, OK. It was quite the strange town. I've never seen so many almost break their necks to turn their heads. It was amazing. In my experience there, I must say that the weather sucks. It's humid and sticky. Yuck! Plus being there at the end of June didnt help it at all. After fixing the car, we finished the drive to Pennsylvania. It was beautiful there, I met many smiling faces and many hugs. After leaving the gathering, I ended up in Lake Vesuvius in Wayne National Forest located in Ohio. That was pretty okay except for the fact that we camped out in the middle of Crazy Hungry Mosquitoes and Poison Ivy. Hmmm......but having camped out there with family, made it pretty cool. Leaving that, we headed out to Columbus, Ohio to attend the Freedom Fighting Festival. What a weekend. Seeing Jefferson Airplane, Meryl Sanders, Mickey Hart and Tommy Chong was quite a sight for sore eyes, I must say. Leaving there was sad. Wishing it could go on forever, but it can't. And now...I sit in Kansas City, Missouri with some family having a good time. LOVING YOU!~*~

~*~*~HeRe BeGiNs OtHeR sHiT~*~*~


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Pixie is So Sexy it HURTS!!
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