Azian Killa'z Domain

Poses Yo!
Posted by: Krayz E Kujo January 23, 1998
Well, if you want to learn upper body strength, a plange is NOT the best way to start off. A
plange basically looks like this: arms straight (locked), planted shoulder-width apart, body
perfectly horizantal, legs split or closed. Looks sort of like a h orizontal handstand. This is one of
the hardest floor poses you can do, especially the closed-leg one. But what I suggest you do is
start off with easier poses. If you can't already do it, start with a turtle or cricket position. If you
can already do tha t, then try doing those two poses and pushing up to a handstand, and
repeating. If that's too easy, then try straight-arm poses, like UFO (buddha) or air turtle
positions. Or you can do an "L" position, which is where you're sitting with your le gs together in
front of you, and then with your hands to your sides, pick yourself up and hold it as long as you
can. Or is that also too easy? Then try this. Do a UFO or air turtle position and push up to a
handstand. Try to keep your arms as straight as possible . Also try pointing your hands in
different directions while you do all these poses. It works different muscles . Here's another one.
If your fingers are strong enough, do an "L" pose on your fingertips, then bend your legs and pull
yo ur body up to a handstand, and then drop back through to an "L" pose. Or if you're really
flexible, keep your legs straight when you do this. After you can do all that, you're ready for
planges and beyond.
Krayz E Kujo, Soul Control: Slaves To The Rhythm
The Formerly Repressed Bestial Lyricist