Azian Killa'z Domain
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Sup now... Azian Killa here showin what's up in the breaka world. Here you'll find
how-to-do moves for those hard hard-to-do crazy mutha fuckin shiznit.
I mean you won't find it anywhere else but
But that's beside all that right? Shit I'm the next best thing. is the
list of moves. I've added some more from last time. So here you go.
I took these from so...whatever. And plus this place is always under
construction unless otherwise, forget it!
NOte 2 all pEepZ-i dont have a solid good connection to the net, so i cant upload the new page of mine. and thats fucked up. and im sorry this page takes a while cause if i had the time and speed. my older page would be gone and the new page would load up much faster. i dont what to say. there is so much things i want to put up like video clips of moves and gifs-i put it all out for my fellow rookie breakers to get you the info you need and as much visual. hopefully some friends of mine can hook me up. but until then, you'll have to settle for this. Latez from Azian Killa.
NEW* - If you gotz any commmets and questions, send it this location

Now Check This Shiznit Out!

©Copywrite Azian Killa 1998
Many props for the peeps who did the gifs I took. Majority of the gifs on this page are not made by me, but others.
So if you do take them from me, or anyone else, give 'em madd props
for their hard work. Special props to Spit606, G.H. Meyer,
Andy Evans, and the many other peeps who make tight ass gifs.
Peace to all