


Welcome to the updated tecate connection, this site contains information to help you connect with tecate owners everywhere.  I hope you will find it to be extremely informative as well as easy to use.  I would strongly recommend visiting the Sprock Racing link, it contains tecate high performance items as well as big bore and stroker engine kits! I would really like to thank everyone who contributed to this site, also Hi-torque Publications for allowing us to republish old tecate articles!  Thanks!


Hi Torque Articles:  Extremely hard to find Tecate articles including machine tests, 250 class shootouts, hope up info, and some unique tecate projects.

Tecate Classifieds: Give me an e-mail and I will place your ad on this link.  Its free!

Sprock Racing:  Wanting more power?  Send your engine to Sprock Racing, the only engine builder specializing in tecate performance only!  Also looking for hard to find parts and new Genuine Kawasaki parts here is the place! under construction 

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Coming soon!!!

Kawasaki KXF Tecate-4 shop manual

Kawasaki KXT Tecate-3 shop manual

Tecate Classified section

Sprock Racing Tecate performance engine kits and prices

Complete update with more tecate owners using this new web page format


Nathan Ross’s tecate homepage http://www.calpoly.edu/~nross

Cliff Cobb’s tecate homepage http://web.snowhill.com/%7Eheavy/index.htm

Rose’s tecate gallery http://www.redpepperstudios.com/tecate3/index.htm

Greg’s tecate homepage http://www.geocities.com/Pipeline/Slope/6940/homepage.ht

Steve Qualls homepage at www.tecate.org


Thank you Daisy/Hi-Torque Publishing Company Inc. for your express permission for the following articles. Please visit Hi-Torque for subscription information, or call 1-800-767-0345 to subscribe to 4-Wheel ATV Action or Dirt Wheels magazines.

 or call 1-800-767-0345


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