WE ARE NOW WORKING WITH THE CHIQUITANO PEOPLE, and we need your prayers more than ever! Please read on!
We last updated our homePage on

Some pictures of the Chiquitano area and its people.
We would like to share with you about our Ministry, Travel and Adventures in Bolivia, where we have served as evangelical Christian missionaries with the International Mission Board - Southern Baptist Convention (formerly the Foreign Mission Board) since 1996.
We are seeking 50,000 believers who will commit to join us in praying for open hearts to the Gospel of Jesus Christ among the Chiquitano people in Bolivia and Brazil, and to pray for the work with these people. If you will join us in this important teamwork, please E-mail us at:mmassey@infonet.com.bo by clicking here, and just say "Yes, send me prayer updates."
We will put you on the list for regular updates. Thank you!
The following topics may be of interest to you, simply click on the title you wish to see:
Indigenous Bolivian People Groups
Prayer Requests(Just updated!)
Adventures in Missionary Travel
Cooperative Program at Work
The High Road - A Message
Family Fotos
Map of Bolivia
Main Plaza - Santa Cruz
Parque Nacional Amboro
Discovery Channel Bolivia

We recommend the Lonely Planet Bolivia Guide, Also, look up Holiday in Havana, a new book you might like!
Other great books available here, also. Just a click away!
Indigenous Bolivian People Groups
- The Chiquitano People

Chiquitano Children studying by lamplight
- Significant group of Amazon area people, perhaps 60,000 of them. Live in Bolivia and Brazil. Less 5% evanglical Christian believers. Many were enslaved until 1960. Prefer to live far aqway from other people in small communities. We are currently seeking books, Bibles, music and voice tapes of this group in attempt to study this language.
Please pray that God will open the hearts of these peoples to the Gospel message!
- The Quechua

A Typical Bolivian Dance Mask - Altiplano Area
- Largest group of the Andean peoples, descendants of the Incas. Only 5% evangelical. Emigrating in record numbers from the cold Altiplano to the warmer lowlands. Stoic and conservative.
Please pray that God will open the hearts of these peoples to the Gospel message!
Soon to begin. A summary of all the people groups of Bolivia!
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Prayer Requests
- That God will open the hearts of the Chiquitano People to receive eternal life through Jesus Christ.
- We have now returned to Bolivia to begin our second term of mission service. Please pray that we will work according to God's timing and schedule.
- Pray for Debbie and Malcom as we lead the Chiquitano people group team.
- Pray that our team working to reach the Chiquitano will see ministry fields and opportunities with God's eyes.
- Health for the Massey family and all of our missionaries
- Praises
- Praise for safe travel to and from:
- San Ignacio (10 hours across Bolivia toward Brazil
- Tambo (5 hours up into the Andes to bid farewell for now
- Praises for the prayers we receive daily from supporters
- Praise God for how he is showing us what to do here
- We are seeing interesting ways that God is at work!
Susanna passed into the presence of the Lord on Friday, April 9th, 1999
while Malcom was in Santa Cruz. Debbie handled all arrangements for the funeral. Despite this sad moment, we are happy that she is now resting with the Lord Jesus and that more doors are opening in her old community. Thank you for your prayers!
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Adventures in Missionary Travel
- Four Wheel Drive
- AUGUST 1998-Our trip was to the earthquake zones of Aiquile, Mizque and Totora. The roads to these places are like nothing we have ever seen. Narrow, dirt roads extending over mountains that jut up into the sky like jagged teeth, and no room to pass.
The dust lays thick in the curves and you are just as likely to hit the road as miss it, the visibility is so poor. We covered 500 km in just a few days, sleeping in tents at nearly 10,000 feet sometimes, and assisted in all these areas showing the Jesus film, distributing Bible portions and tracts, and with our vet vaccinating the dogs and cats we met along the way. 270 of them are not going to get rabies this year!
- The roads
- The bridges out of town across the big rivers are interesting! They are one lane car bridges that go one way at a time, but are also train bridges. Cars must wait when the train comes, and all the traffic headed one way goes, driving on the train tracks, then all the traffic headed the other way goes. You can't be in a hurry at these bridges, and there is no other way to go!--Malcom and Brent
- Small Airplane
- NEW!
- I recently flew to San Ignacio de Velasco, to research the Chiquitano, who is currently working with them, and to find a house. It was raining and windy when we left, but prayers resulted in a sunbeam which parted the clouds. We followed it all the way across Bolivia to our destination, and a safe landing!
- Regular Airplane
- Don't fly in to LaPaz unless you have time to rest and catch your breath. I tried it and it does not work. Driving up is better. It takes 14 to 16 hours from Santa Cruz, but the climb is easier to adjust to because to are rising slowly.
Map of Bolivia
Favorite Guides
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Four Wheel Drive Vehicles - Cooperative Program at Work
- The vehicles we use to reach Bolivians with the Gospel were bought used (4-5 years old) after a budget request anywhere from 1-2 years in advance. We definitely plan ahead and bargain for a good price. for supporting our work by giving to the Cooperative Program and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. We use these vehicles in getting to where the people are, with the Gospel message.
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The High Road
There are two roads in life, two ways to go. The High Road, the road which fewer people choose to travel is the road that leads to a true understanding of who God is and what He really wants in a relationship with us as people. There are several basic points to understanding this:
- God is the ultimate expression of perfect love. He loves mankind and is saddened if there is not a relationship with people.
- God is Holy, and cannot tolerate the presence of sin. If He could tolerate it, he would not truly be Holy.
- Human beings are sinners, and can't be truly good and holy, no matter how hard they try.
- There is a gap, then, between God and Man
- Jesus Christ is the answer from God, to resolve this gap, this problem between God and Man. Because the penalty for sin is death, Jesus died for us, so that we would not have to go through that. He beat death and rose again, and now resides in heaven.
He waits for us to know about him, to decide to accept his free gift of love, and of eternal life, which we cannot work hard enough to buy, or earn, or find in any other way!
The Bible says:
- We have all sinned and are separated from God -Romans 3:23
- The price for sinning is death -Romans 6:23
- When you admit your sin & ask forgiveness, and call on Jesus to save you from death's penalty, he'll listen -Romans 10:9
- We all must choose, & today is your opportunity -Joshua 24:15
- Jesus is faithful to forgive us -I John 1:9
If Jesus is speaking to your heart today, listen, and invite Him in. The only harm done if you don't is that you may not ever have another chance, and you will have eternally missed God's best for you. Please write us at mapper@pilot.infi.net (click on the address) if you have any questions. We care about what you think and believe.
Malcom Massey
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Pray for Potosi!

A drawing of Potosi in the 1600's, when it was a wealthy city which provided silver for the entire world through the Spanish!
UPDATE!!Thank you for praying for this area. A family is interested in joining our team to work in this difficult place. Please pray that God would smooth the way for them.
This section is designed to bring to your attention one of the neediest areas of Bolivia. Spiritually dark, without any real hope, an economic disaster since the mining collapse in the last several years, this area really needs a strong Christian witness and it needs the hope that only the Gospel can give. This area surfaced to our attention during the current strategy study that we are undertaking. Please pray with us, won't you?

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Pray for Aiquile!
Recent visits to the earthquake damaged areas show that there are still years of work to normalize these destroyed communities. The worst thing may be that the ground is still moving and shaking. People are scared and don't know where to turn. A lot of international aid ahs reached some, and others have received no help at all. Please pray that these places will receive the aid necessary and that we can reach the people with the Good News of God's Love for them as well.
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Discovery Channel Bolivia"
The Discovery Channel has a great special page on Bolivia. Check it out.
Wild Treasures of Bolivia
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Family Photo Album

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We are pleased to welcome you as explorer number:
since November 1, 1997
To read about other IMB Missionaries:
In Costa Rica - The Keith Travis Family
In Honduras - Keeping up with Sam and Rosalie Jones
In Mexico - Doug & Darla Millar & Family
Go to International Mission Board Home Page
To read about Bolivia on the Discovery Channel Page, Click:
Wild Treasures of Bolivia
Favorite Guides
More details about Bolivia with Andes Com!
Map of Bolivia

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Main Plaza - Santa Cruz

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Parque Nacional Amboro

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