CSA's Homepage
CSA's Home Page

Hay there, welcome to my lil spot on the web.
Here are some links to the other pages on here.
Sit back for a few and play some games.
Here's a brief page of my Fraternity.
Here's what's happenin round me.
Priceless MasterCard Moments.
Here are some more pix of me.
See if yer an Official Redneck.
Here's a Chevy page I made.
Check out my trucks here.
Check out my rodeo page.
Curious to see what i do?
How much time till......
Check out my tattoos...
Some funny...funnies.
See God's Billboards.
Don't be a......

Meet Mr. Push Me!
Have fun.
Email me at
For Friendly People (Sign it)
For Nosey People (View It)
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Come on, keep it movin, keep it movin. There's nuthin else here to see. I'll be workin on this thing periodicly though so, keep headin back in this direction every once in a while. Ah what the hell, just go ahed and bookmark this in there. I'l be seein you 'round. ;-)
By the way, there's a secret link on one of these pages on my homepage. If you find it, you'll know why it's a secret link. Leave a message in my guestbook if you find it. Hell, you should be signin it no matter what!
Welp, sorry to say this folks... but the secret link is down now. Had to make room on the page and easiest way was to erase what wasn't bein used all that much (if any) and that was the secret link page. It was at the bottom of the funnies page where ther ewas a link back to the main page, well the period at the very end led to the secret page. I'll still leave it up, but none of the pix will be there... sorry.