Welcome to my tree

Well! this is just a page about me and what i like to do, so what should i tell you, im into all sorts of things actually, i practice meditation and it is just a big part of my life, it makes me be more aware of things that i used to take for granted, you know there are so many things that we dont even take time to see and they can be so wonderful.
I just got back from a meditation retreat in the U.S, you can read more about what happened there if you go to Hanuman's playground link, anyway im 18 and im going to be a senior this year, it will be great i guess since ive got the chance to make lots of friends in the last years since i got transfered to this high school.
this coming semester will be kinda akward though, since they have splited us in different areas since not everyone is going to major in the same subject when we go to college, it will be a new experience wich im looking forward to.
ill just have to wait and see what happens in the coming months as the semester unfolds, man im waiting for my first day of school , actually i am wondering what may happen in that first day since we have lots of newcomers.

Hanumanīs playground
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