-------- The ultimate truth --------
The myth of honesty has been taught since young, that if you are honest, you shall be rewarded.
However, the society is not practicing honesty as a norm. Therefore the young are taught to be honest with the hope for a better world. In reality, the earth is still turning with all the lies flying around.
Realizing the ultimate truth is a dangerous thing that you yourself must be strong enough to withhold the truth. Human very rarely that shall be strong enough to withhold the truth that we have been searching all along.
Does honesty survive in mankind history ? ...
--VinChamp (June 2005)
-------- When you win, you lose --------
It is a fact of life that no matter how strong or ruthless you are, there will always be someone stronger and more ruthless than you. It is important to cultivate the sensitivity to recognize when you should fight back and when you should submit. It is even more important to develop the strength to endure this period of submission. When it comes to achieving your objectives, submission sometimes can be even more effective than fighting back.
When we fight a battle that we shouldn't, even if we win, we lose. We all have to learn to choose wisely in which battle to fight and in which to accept defeat and subsequently endure the humiliation of that defeat.
--VinChamp (June 2004)