"Thanks to Cuz'n Neil for all the help and teaching."
My old Kentucky Home
is One of the Biggest Kentucky
basketball fans in state..
Interests crafts, bowling
favorite pets Siamese cat named CoCo
Inherited Son's Rottweiler named Bear
Really I think my theme song should be "On the Road Again" I live in my
Jeep Cherokee...
My home is in Western Kentucky bordering the Ohio River..Live right on
the Tradewater River a tributary to the Ohio.. Kind of country living..Of course I like living out of town..
My home
The following picture is why I like country living. Spotted this deer in parking lot behind our house and grabbed my digital.
THE KENTUCKY WILDCAT by artist Mitchell Tolle
cats fan t-shirt
siamese cat's lovers
cuz'n rube's homepage(mrsclancy)
oatmealbear's home
'ol'time religion
Family & Friends page
Class Reunion
Cat Page
More of Nothing
My Family
Union County, KY
Bear's Page (Rottweiler)
KY Wildcat Page
County Budget Reporter
Christmas Greeting
Written by Neil Diamond
Kentucky woman
She shines with her own kind of light
She'd look at you once
And a day that's all wrong
looks all right
And I love her
God knows, I love her
Kentucky woman
If she get to know you
She goin' to own you
Kentucky woman
Well, she ain't the kind
Makes heads turn at the drop of her name
But something inside
That she's got turn you on just the same
And she loves me
God knows, she loves me
Kentucky woman
If she get to know you
She goin' to own you
Kentucky woman
I don't want much
The good Lord's earth beneath my feet
A gentle touch
From that one girl, and life is
Sweet and good
Ain't no doubt
I'm talkin' about
Kentucky woman
If she get to know you
She goin' to own you
Kentucky woman
1967 Tallyrand Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
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