Ahhh,....recent pics from the dunes,....give em'
some time to load.

of the February '98 trip to the dunes!

Jeremy, from a 'lil ways off,...

Jeremy and Kris' pride and joy! ( Like her Grandpa Davie says,
"Adjust the peddles and she'll be ready to go!"

Garrison,...(God! Can this guy 'walk' the hills!)

Tom, after gettin' popped for bringin' "Noah's Ark" (a tree)
off the dunes for firewood! (They were just kiddin' though,...
cool dudes, the Rangers!!!)

This is where DoughBoy's intake and carb USED to go.
He launched his buggy into a hole,...'bout 15-20 feet deep!

D-B, trying to rid himself of another C-V joint!

Handy-Boy shot this one from atop one of the dunes,....

"Pick-Up-Pool". Nice way to
cool off. (Are those bubbles around Todd????)

Lori & Michelle, talkin' about how 'us guys' are always breakin' stuff!

From L to R,..Todd, Randy, Lee, and Frog, (with 'Lil Randy's
head stickin up in the foreground), chillin' in da' trees.

Like I said, I built it, so I can play on it. Brandon says "It
just dosen't get any better when a feller can hill climb in his own back

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