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In 50 years from Sarolea to BMW with MZ-sidecar.

This page is dedicated to Will Koppen, female motorbiker, born at 7-01-1924 in The Netherlands. At the age of 76 she still is an active driver and a known phenomenon on the Dutch roads with her BMW R450 with MZ-sidecar and the dog Dempsey.

The year 1999 was the jubilee year of Will Koppen.
She celebrated her 75th birthday (januari 7)
and that year also her 50th anniversary driving motorbike!

Will on an Adler MB 250 Twin

In the 50thies she won twice the women cup of the "Trophee International Motocycliste de Monaco" and made many travels through Europe and Asia. On these travelles she wrote a diary which will be publicated on these pages.

- Ererit Will Koppen, 19 june 1999 - Information and photo's of this special event.

- Weekblad Motor 20-26 nov 1997 - Interview in the weekly dutch magazine "MOTOR". In the 50ties many of her stories appeared in this magazine.

- Fire Baptism - 1949 - A day-trip in The Netherland on a Sarolea 350 (1938).

- Seeing Napoli and ........ back! - 1950 - Poor bike, the mountains were almost too high to carry two persons!

- IVe Trophee International Motocycliste de Monaco - 1953 - The first triumph on an Adler 250 twin!

- Ve Trophee International Motocycliste de Monaco - 1954 - The second triumph!

- 5 Days Of Rest - july 1954 - The FALL after the triumph.

- Unforgetable Eilat - 1957 - A far travel to a beautiful place.


Last summer she made a tour by bike (and a misteriously oil using cardan) from The Netherlands to Spain and vv. And of course her dog Dempsey (also a veteran) was keeping her company.
To know more about her adventures, just check this page from time to time, the stories will appear right here. DON'T MISS IT !!!!!!!

In January she celebrated her 75th birthday. Of cource this event was a great party. You can sent her your congratulations to

Last up-date: 20.05.2000

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