Sarah Tracey - 12/08/00 15:43:15 My City: Swindon State: Wilts Country: UK Male or Female: Female Surname Matches?: Yes, Same name Age/Birthday: 16 1984 | Comments: I was looking for something completely different when i came accross this, but it's kinda weird to know someone had the same name as me! I don;t know whether there is any relation between us, I was always told that TRACEY is Irish. As i'm half irish. |
Craig - 08/13/00 16:57:56 My URL: My City: San Diego State: CA Country: US Age/Birthday: 37 | Comments: Nice page! I'm not a genealogy expert, but as an adoptee who had to do research to find his birth parents, I came to learn something about the complexities involved. Bravo! C (back in SD after 18 years away) |
CHERON - 08/13/00 04:55:13 My Email:CHERN | Comments: TEST |
Joe Maniaci - 07/15/00 14:29:57 My City: Saratoga State: NY Male or Female: male Age/Birthday: 41 oct 22 1958 | Comments: what a nice page... it seems you are a happy person with alot going on for yourself... really nice. If you'd everr like a penpal... let me know... Im a 41 year old Upstate NY gentleman...bye now... Joe |
Stephen - 06/07/00 04:12:29 My City: roseville State: ca Male or Female: male Age/Birthday: 40 | Comments: GREAT SITE,, you , a very caring person to put it 40, divorce male looking for a travel partner like you ,, i love mexico, diving, and just out doors.. i have 3 boy,,8,9,13 and they are ready for a road trip.. to mexico. love the photos. |
benson donna - 05/26/00 22:12:13 My Male or Female: female Surname Matches?: garrett | Comments: hi my mother was lillis garrett. he fother was george washington garrett and gr grand father was isaac martin garrett. have a nice day. donna |
Cliff Odom - 05/20/00 01:33:41 My City: San Diego State: Ca Country: USA Male or Female: MALE Surname Matches?: Odom Age/Birthday: 70 | Comments: I am looking for a real female friend,approximately my age who likes to take drives,boating,camping and just being an outdoors typle of lady. I am very easy to get along with,own my own home in Bay Park,with a hot tub and a beautiful view of the oceAN. Cl fford Odom. Phone,858 2732 5621. Please respond by e-mail. |
Lisa Cazoe - 04/28/00 20:49:56 My City: port of spain | Comments: |
SP Brown - 04/20/00 16:32:00 My URL: My Male or Female: Male Surname Matches?: Gibson, Brown | Comments: You have a nice site and have obviously been very busy with it. Keep it up! |
Alan Robinson - 04/08/00 06:07:40 My City: San Diego State: Ca Country: usa Age/Birthday: 41 | Comments: Single and Surfing the web. I like your page. you have a pretty smile. |
Anders - 02/13/00 01:17:52 My URL: My City: Trollhättan Country: SWEDEN Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: 37 | Comments: Hello ! I like your site very much. You did a nice job here. I must test the recipes you have here :o) You are welcome and visit my websites. Have a nice day :o) |
David Sharp - 01/08/00 05:38:44 My City: lamesa State: ca. Country: s.d. Male or Female: male Age/Birthday: 8/14/59 | Comments: i have no comments at this time |
Phyllis Angelo - 12/09/99 06:23:16 My URL: My City: Pottsville State: Pa. Country: USA Age/Birthday: 1-17-43 | Comments: I enjoyed a visit to your site and also the great recipes which I am going to try out. THanks |
Warlock - 10/25/99 11:13:12 My URL: My City: Melbourne State: Victoria Country: Australia Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: 34 Nov 1964 | Comments: Hi, just cruzin around the web, and came across your web site, and may I say, I am very impressed with the job you have done with your site. If you get bored sometime, drop by my site, but don't forget to leave your mark, so I know that you have been. Anyways keep up the good work and I'll drop by from time to time to look for new evelopments. Cheers Warlock ![]() |
Holger Schönfeld - 10/12/99 06:25:12 My City: Freienwill State: Germany Age/Birthday: 13.04.47 | Comments: Hi Cheri, thank you for your fine WEB-Site. I´ll take to Baja in march 2000 for 4 weeks. NOT for fishing, but for all the fine cacti. Greetings from germany. |
Mark Nelson - 10/05/99 13:55:53 My City: Coronado State: CA Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: 52 | Comments: Cheri, I just stopped by to see what you had on Baja. I have interest in the area in gineral and specifically wish to spend some weekend time there. I wish you well, Mark |
dan hatt - 09/21/99 22:19:11 My URL: State: Nova Scotia Country: Canada Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: 26 | Comments: nice little page...HI! |
Terry Gaut - 09/02/99 21:03:15 My City: Ursulo Galvan State: Baja Norte Country: Mexico Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: 8-11-52 | Comments: |
lynn n. johnson - 08/12/99 03:14:29 My URL: My City: murrayville State: ga Country: usa Surname Matches?: garrett Age/Birthday: 56-i/31/43 | Comments: Hey--Great web page--and hope you find all our Garretts--especially Presley and Elizabeths families !!! |
bart kilkenny - 05/29/99 06:32:57 My City: san diego State: ca Country: usa Male or Female: male Surname Matches?: bartholomew Age/Birthday: 39/05aug59 | Comments: brilliant; i especially liked the music in backgrnd. |
buck rogers - 05/27/99 18:51:28 My City: superstitious State: arizona Country: usa Male or Female: male Surname Matches?: none Age/Birthday: older than dirt | Comments: enjoyed your web site. |
Eddie - 03/23/99 06:24:31 My URL:None yet My City: Oceanside State: CA Country: usa Male or Female: male Age/Birthday: 5/22/61 | Comments: Liked your homepage very much! |
Al Heinetz - 03/18/99 23:49:39 My City: Monterey State: CA Surname Matches?: Heinitz Age/Birthday: 51/12-28-47 | Comments: Nice page. Am going to be visiting san Diego from the 23rd to the 26th. (Business) Ugh! Have a great day Al |
- 03/15/99 19:00:42 | Comments: Miss you. |
Graham Stevenson - 02/22/99 10:54:09 My City: Calgary State: Alberta Country: Canada Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: August 16th 1960 | Comments: Seductive reasoning and sensuous adventures for the soul. Always remember......Safety first. |
Pete Schultz - 02/11/99 18:16:09 My City: Vista State: Ca Country: USA Male or Female: Male Surname Matches?: ? ? Age/Birthday: 40 9-28 | Comments: Hi Cheri, Isaw your profile in the S.D. Matchmaker , looks very interesting, and notice we shared a few things in common. Drop me a line if you are wiiling to corresspond with me . Thanks, Pete p.s. Great Web page. !!!!!!! |
Mimi - 02/11/99 00:38:24 My City: Logan State: UT Country: USA Male or Female: Female Age/Birthday: 25 | Comments: I grew up in San Marcos, CA and my family had a house in La Mision, between Ensenada and Tijuana. I am also just getting started doing geaneolgy so your site was very helpful and entertaining. |
John Hecht - 02/03/99 16:06:56 My City: La Costa State: California Country: Somewhere USA Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: Libra 9 48 | Comments: Incredible website...did you do this yourself? Let me know...would love to talk to you! Will need 3 business sites done...I was adopted and would love to know if you could do a geneology...everyone else who has tried came up empty handed... |
Jim Brundage - 01/26/99 08:03:45 My City: Escondido State: Ca Country: USA Male or Female: male Surname Matches?: none Age/Birthday: 52, May 25,1946 | Comments: You have a very nice web site. A lot of work I bet! I've been to Baja several times and love it. Send me an E-mail and maybe we can be friends. |
Charles Roberts - 01/25/99 14:11:33 My City: St Clair Shores State: MI Country: USA Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: 08/09/40 | Comments: HI, I come to San Deigo a few times a year for work with a handicapped client there and was just browsing. |
Brian - 01/23/99 23:50:19 City: Greenville State: Ohio Country: USAs Male or Female: male Surname Matches?: no Age/Birthday: 41 May 21 57 | Comments: |
dugan - 01/16/99 23:44:06 My City: owls head State: me Country: usa Surname Matches?: dugan Age/Birthday: 51 10/26/47 | Comments: |
greg lawlor - 01/09/99 07:02:05 My City: Rancho Santa Fe State: CA Country: USA Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: 55 July 8 | Comments: |
Chris Baker - 01/04/99 13:34:06 My City: California City State: CA Country: USA of course Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: Jan 11, 1951 | Comments: I came to your web page. Realized I'd seen it before because of the Magic Mountain Picture (drenched, you still look lovely). Like your Christmas decorations. |
troll - 01/04/99 04:45:47 My URL: My City: vallejo State: ca Country: usa Surname Matches?: huh? Age/Birthday: 43 | Comments: hi |
Ray - 01/04/99 01:08:08 My Email:rtopete City: Spring Valley State: Ca. Country: USA Male or Female: Male | Comments: You have a wonderfull homepage, almost makes want to have one of my own. Ray |
tom adams - 12/31/98 19:15:06 My City: Poway State: CA Country: USA Male or Female: male Age/Birthday: 8/21/46 | Comments: great page |
Santa - 12/30/98 19:06:09 City: North Pole | Comments: MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR! |
chris - 12/17/98 10:24:46 My City: anytown State: indiana Male or Female: male Age/Birthday: 31/ 12/16/67 | Comments: |
robert rosier - 12/14/98 01:44:52 My City: colo springs State: CO> Country: i been everywhere. smile Male or Female: male. Age/Birthday: 45. sept 24 1953. | Comments: wow, first of all, i love your homepage, and the music, my girl was a very nice touch, and your very goodlooking, so i'm on my hands and knees, begging you to write back, so please hurry, i really dont know, how long i can stay this way, before i'm carry ff, smile bob |
Sam - 12/13/98 15:06:31 My City: San Diego State: CA Country: USA Age/Birthday: 50/2-7-48 | Comments: dropped by |
Shahzad Aslam-Mir - 12/11/98 01:15:14 My URL: My City: San Diego State: CA Country: USA Male or Female: Male Surname Matches?: no-one I know Age/Birthday: 35 | Comments: Cool, came across it completely by accident, dont know how, but here I am. Look me up sometime, always want to make new friends. Am a SW engineer at a small firm in SD. Love the country, state, city, and its people. I think this place is the closest thing to my version of heaven in my puny little mind. I have 4 beautiful children, one SD born, and I wish for nothing more than to ra se them as good people, and continue to live here if God permits..... San Diegans ... dont ever change..... Shahzad ( aka Sam ) |
steve and NOVA - 12/10/98 02:41:10 State: Minnesota Country: USA Male or Female: neutered Surname Matches?: Yes Age/Birthday: middle aged | Comments: Nova, this is the lady I was telling you about. She is family. ok. part of the same litter. Anyway we have a Lot of common ancestors and it should be Lots of fun finding out just how many have CATS out there. (i bet none of them.) hm? Oh, nothing. Say. Do you like this wallpaper? So do I. Wonder where she gets this stuff. Don't scratch the wall there kid. Cheri! You have a wonderful site!! I'm somewhat at a disadvantage in saying that too, as I, ah We, have just gotten into a little of it so far and have not even been to Baja yet. You been to Baja Nova? Nope. We're going however. We DO know that your Genealogy pages are top notch. While Nova found no litter mates I found quite a few and look forward to seeing just how they ever coped coming through the harsh winters of Minnesota, going into the barren wastelands of Dakota, and pu hing on to the mountains of the West and then down into the ocean. No Nova. I didn't mean Into the ocean. I meant next to the ocean. Next to. Because it Sounded better, that's why. No. No, it doesn't sound better by saying into the SEA. Bay? NO Nova! Look it's my post and I like ocean. If we were there now I sh w you the difference in by the ocean and in the Sea. I don't know why I got left here Nova. I don't even know why I have a cat. Stop scratching that wallpaper too. You want a warm saucer of milk? I think there's one in Baja. the sea. Love this page. |
Carl R. Selb - 12/08/98 14:54:06 My URL: My City: Del Mar State: CA Country: U.S.A. Male or Female: Male Surname Matches?: ?????? Age/Birthday: 60, July 24, 1938 | Comments: I would like to meet you some day, what do you think? |
Jeff - 12/04/98 04:37:27 My State: Iowa Country: USA Male or Female: Male Age/Birthday: 9/68 | Comments: I lived in Cal.from 1986-1992. So eevery oncein a while it is nice to go back, thanks for taking me there. Never know we might of crossed paths at one of the amusement parks. I lived in Vista and Oceanside. Take care and keep it up... |
Ken France - 11/29/98 19:12:14 My Email:RobinHood95@Yahoo.Com City: Nottingham Country: England Male or Female: Male | Comments: I wish I was clever enough to do my own Home Page - My 12 y/o initially spent a lot of time on his but he has rediscovered football at the moment! I won't mention climate ; seeing as it is a cold, damp, cloudy day over here today!! Will E-Mail soon. Ken |
Michael Doukas - 11/21/98 08:53:17 My City: Encinitas State: CA Country: Otherworld Male or Female: Male | Comments: I liked your site very much. I have never been to Baja, but it looks wonderfully inviting. It looks as if you work hard to have a good relationship with your boys. I have a son, 6 1/2, whom I love dearly. |