Sailor Comet's Pokemon Picture Vault
Sailor Comet's Pokemon Picture Vault
Pika ,Pika,Pikachu to my Pokemon Picture Vault.
- My goal here is to make you drown in Pokemon Pics.^_^
- I put these Pictures here for my Interest in Pokemon and hopefully to help people that are also interested in Pokemon that are trying to find a picture to use on a chat or other things.
- Most of the pics are on; my favorites and my brother Dylan, Visitors of my Website and The FMC Peoples Request.
- Personal Note: My Favorite is Ashton Ketchum (Ash is his nickname). My Favorite Pokemons (in order)are: Charmander,Pikachu,Eevee,Vulpix,Jigglypuff,and Rapidash. My Favorite bad guy is James.
Enough,Blah;now! On To The Pics!!
Ash Ketchum's Patio
Ash's Badges
Pokemon Logos
Pokemon Backgrounds
Other things,in Comet's Vault
Sailor Comet's Profile
Dylan's Profile
Pokemon Webrings
Future Comings
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Awards & Vote4Site
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