Istituto Italiano di Cultura
S y d n e y
Ufficio Culturale dell'Ambasciata d'Italia
Fondato nel 1977
Lvl.45,Gateway,1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000
The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is offering scholarships for the 1998/99 academic year to University student or graduates. The scholarships are available both to Australian citizens and Italian citizens residing in Australia.The official application form is available at the ITALIAN INSTITUTE OF CULTURA in Sydney (Lvl.45 Gateway, 1Macquarie Place, Sydney, ph. 02 9392 7939).
The scholarships can be allocated as LONG-TERM (one academic year, i.e. 8-9 months) or as SHORT-TERM ( 2-3 months). They can be used to attend the following courses:
Italian Language and Cultural Courses Duration: 2-3 months.
Research (Excluding medical disciplines). Duration: 2 to 8 months.
Single University Courses Maximum duration : 8 months.
Post-graduate refresher courses in a specific field. Corso di perfezionamento (excluding medical disciplines). Maximum duration 12 months.
Post-graduate studies in a specific field.Corso di Specializzazione (excluding medical disciplines). Duration 24 months.
PH.D. (all disciplines). Duration 2 to 4 years.
For the post-graduate studies, that can last for longer than 8-9 months, the scholarship holder can ask for an extension of the scholarship.
The candidades for short-term scholarships, must be enrolled at their last year at University.
The candidates for long-term scholarships must already hold a University degree. Should they wish to attend special post graduate studies in Italy, a Master degree is required.
Each scholarship consists of:
Monthly instalments of 1,000,000 Italian Lira each(approx $ 800.00) for italian language courses or single university courses and 1,200,000 Italian Lira each(approx $ 960.00) for post-graduate or summer courses for Australian and Italian citizens residing in Australia who are under 35 years at the closing time for the lodging of the applications.
Health Insurance premiums.
Reduction of courses fees.
Please note that neither scholarship provides a lodging allowance on the airfaire.
Age limit for candidates: 35 years.
Closing date for application :3 March 1998.
The applications (in six copies), complete with passport size photos, must be filled in on the proper ministerial form with the assistance, if needed, of the Italian Institute of Culture.
Each application must contain the following documents:
official application form, filled in and bearing the original signature of the candidate (forms can be obtained from the Italian Institute of Culture);
one recent passport size photograph;
photocopy of the photo page of the passport OR of the birth certificate;
curriculum vitae and academic record showing particular reference to the activities carrie out in the closen field relating to the scholarship application;
a clear study or research plan to be developed in Italy at public or officially recognised institutions supported, where possible, by evidence of the candidade's admission at the schools or or institutions intend to enrol. Alternatively, the candidate can provide evidence of the request of enrolment in the chosen course. The study plan can be inserted in the special space in the application form or can consist of a separate attachment;
photocopies of at least two letters of reference by academic and/or State authorities(the originals will have to be produced in case the applicant is proposed for the scholarship);
photocopies of the Higher School Certificate ( with Record of Achievement and Tertiary Entrance Rank);
photocopies of any Degrees or Diplomas awarded plus the academic transcript:
in the upper margin of the application's form must be clearly stated if the applicant intends to apply for a short or a long term scholarship (S.T. or L.T.) or alternatively to to both tipes of scholarship (L/S.T.).
Incomplete or late applications will not be accepted.
Enrolment in the chosen courses
The schorlarships holders will be pre-enrolled in the chosen courses by the Italian Consulate of their place of residence. This pre-enrolmentt will take place by:
June 30 for University courses;
August 31 for specialization and refresher courses;
September 30 for single university courses.
For the enrolment in University courses the knowledge of the Italian language is usually requested. Therefore, the scholarship holders have to sit an oral Italian exam at the chosen University, normally at the biginning of September. Candidates who have already attended a course, of at least three months at the University for Foreigners either in Perugia or in Siena may not have to sit for this test. It is therefore advisable to include in the application proof of attendance of Italian courses at these University.
The candidates, if selected, by the joined Australian-Italian Committee, will have to hand in some other documents, the list of whitch will be sent to them in due time.
Monday-Thursday 9.00 am - 6.00 pm
Friday 9.00 am - 1.30 pm.
Ph. 02 9392 7939 Fax 02 9392 7935
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Pagine a cura di Giorgio Stefani
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