Checkpoint 1

                  CheckPoint-1 OffRoad Race Site

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View Race Parts

SwapMeet (free listing)

Racers E-mail

Local Race  Pictures Arizona



Over 200 Race related LINKS

Alternative Racing

Non-Internet Phone list

Engine Ratio Computer

Find your Part on the Web

Technical Data

Score Rule Book

Racer's own home pages

Whiplash Race Schedule

Race Shops

Race Promotors


Gear Ratio Computer



E-mail all comments to WebMaster John Raitter

Copy Righted June-1-1996


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CheckPoint-1 is designed to be a comprehensive starting point for OffRoad Racers and their quest for World Wide Web information concerning our sport.

I have asked many racers, sponsors and business owners what they expect from a site that caters to Offroad Racers Overwhelmingly, they all said great  links. The link list goes out to other pages within this site and others. This should save many dead ends, not having to waste time browsing other race sites that don't pertain to Offroad Racers. Remember This is still a new site and the more information I get from the racers and other race organizations the better  it will become. So tell your friends, set a bookmark, check-out my PitStop and leave a comment. 


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