Welcome to the Wicked Jeep & Minnesota Iron Range Entertainment web pages
Welcome to my web page.
Here's what you'll find:

Jeep Stuff:
My Wicked Jeep Comanche

Jeep Comanche lift tech

Dresser, WI 4x4 fun fest pics

Photo Album
Submitted Photos

Photo Fun

Iron Range Entertainment:
Margie's Roosevelt

Sleeve's Sportsman's

Snicker's Bar and Pizza

Eggy's Red Garter

Hoagie's Bar

Just for Fun:
Web tender (mixed drinks)

Favorite links
Welcome, My name is Dan Ellis. I am originally from North West Indiana. I moved to Eveleth, Minnesota in the summer of 1998. The area, known as the Iron Range, is Located in the North-East quadrant of the state and the areas primary economy is based on the mining of iron ore and the timber industry.The area is know for its fantastic winter sports and outdoor activities. Hockey, skiing, snowmobiling, hunting and fishing are widely enjoyed throughout the region. This part of the country is a great place to visit, a great place to four-wheel your Jeep and a great place to live.
Wicked Jeep Comanche
Jeep Lift
Coming soon
Dresser, WI 4xFun Fest Gilbert OHV
Coming soon
Submitted Photos
Photo Fun
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Margie's Roosevelt
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Margie's Roosevelt Sleeve's Sportsman's Eggy's Red Garter
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UPDATE 1-9-04

Well friends, its been quite a while since I last updated the site but here goes.... The black beast (what my girlfirend calls my Comanche) is currently out of commision. Death wobble is still in full force and some nasty electrical problems have kept my rig off the road for several months. Hopefully during the cold winter I can find the time to get her going again. Stay posted and keep on jeepin..........Dan