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NICKASTLE AnHeart2a.gif (22459 bytes)

This is Nick's Castle^^~~~~!! Nick is my VERY FAVOURITE actor. I go to cinemas to see all his movies these years! It's never a waste of $ !!!

Attention:This is NOT the official website of Nick. If u'd like to leave messages to Nick, u can send ur mail (with kisses & hugs) to

I'm sorry, it seems that this mailbox is full at the moment. I don't know if Nick will go to check mail regularly... so ... I'll try to find his other mail addresses for you. and thank shelly for reminding me to do the checking.

Nicg1.jpg (53970 bytes)Nicg2.jpg (56856 bytes)Nicg3.jpg (48572 bytes)

pics from

Nick's movies and TV dramas

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About this page~here tells what I include in this homepage~

Special Thanks: Josephine!!!!!!

hits since 15 August, 2001!

The Five Dragonmasters of TVBI Webring
The Five Dragonmasters of TVBI Webring

This site is owned by
The Five Dragonmasters of TVBI

Last modified: 15 August, 2001

Thanx for coming! Check back soon^^!

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