Please take the time to check out what these sites have to offer. Some of them have technical information, while others contain information that is necessary to overcome senseless feel-good legislation that threatens the rights of law abiding American citizens everywhere.
SKS Laws Rules Concerning the SKS rifle
The New Jersey High Power Rifle page
Firearms Safety and Information Page
Romanian Kalashnikov Rifle (SAR-2) Information Page
AR15.Com Excellent AR15 and other firearms discussion forums
Glock Talk - Glock Discussion Forums - Krinkov AK Information
Glock Pistols - Glock Homepage
Springfield Armory - M1A Rifles, XD Pistols, 1911s
The Loading Bench - An Online Firearms Resource.
The AK Site Information on all sorts of AK weapons
Bushmaster Firearms - Milspec AR15s and parts
Kimber America - Excellent 1911 Pistols
Remington & Remington Law Enforcement Firearms
Ruger Firearms - Mini 14 & 30, .22 - .480 Revolvers
Gun Owners of America An Excellent Pro Second Amendment Organization
East Lyme, Connecticut Police Department
Waterford, Connecticut Police Department
Official Homepage of the Town of East Lyme, Connecticut
NRA - National Rifle Association, the preeminent SA group in America
Sarah Lukens' Webpage - Some "Interesting" information, some about me.
Gun Owners of America Gun Owners of America - Pro 2nd Amendment
Assualt Weapons Ban Sunset Repeal the useless ban on "assault weapons"
Armed Females of America Pro 2nd Amendment Female Group
<--- If you look at nothing else, please look at this page.
RKBA.ORG Arms Rights and Liberty Information on the Internet
Women to Arms More women fighting for SA rights
GMJ Enterprises More CCW information, hosted by Jim Mayhugh.
Women to Arms More women fighting for SA rights
The White House Share your thoughts with the man in the Oval Office
House of Representitives Share your thoughts with your elected Representatives
United States Senate Share your thoughts with your elected Senators
New London, CT Fire Fighters Local 1522
Dillion Precision Excellent reloading presses
Garand Collector's Association
Official Website of Van Buren, Maine
The Reloading Bench Reloading Information and anecdotes
Copyright 2004, Forrest Andrews
Last Update : 4/11/2004