Restoring a Fiberglass Dunebuggy
Hi!, I'm Stephen Willner from Tigard, Oregon. I recently purchased a fiberglass dunebuggy (basket case). This page is dedicated to following the restoration of this project,  to share with others that are also attempting to restore an old fiberglass buggy.
When finished I hope it looks like the buggy on the left.
What is really looks like is in the pictures below:
What it looked like when I picked it up
Click here to see
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I finally inventoried the boxes of parts, all 12 of them. I  have begun to actually work on the pan. Stripping it with a stripping wheel, wire brush and scrapers to get to bare metal. I am going to paint it with POR 15 when it is clean.
Dune Buggy
Sand Rail
Strictly German
Dune Buggy Archives
...and now the fun begins
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I have begun to strip the pan. There were previous attempts to patch the rear pans. I was afraid that it would just to continue to corrode. The right side (where the battery went in a bug) looks alot like swiss cheese. I have ordered a replacement section and will begin to install next week
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Where the dune buggy is today
I have made some progess as you can see, but I still have a ways to go. 2 years and counting. I am still having fun.
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