Whether it is good morning, afternoon or evening I welcome you to my web site! My name is Daniel Fallon and I have an interest in cars. I am at Stevenson College doing an HND in automotive engineering and management.

This site is based on cars that I own. I have a 1982 mini van, 1961 mini van, 1968 MK2 mini and my road car a 1985 mini mayfair. You can read about my cars on the various pages in this site.  Browse  through my  website  and  I hope you find something of interest, if  not  take  up stamp collecting or something.....................

Picture Page
LAST UPDATE 22nd October
Matthew's turbo clubman in "your minis" page! Check out this wild car NOW!
Links Page
Scottish Mini Show
My url http://go.to/minivan
Your minis
The Author
Sold all my minis!! Well I still have the one..... I have kept my 85 mini and I am going to concentrate on getting it on the road asap! Pics to follow!
Click on the cartoon for a larger image
Many thanks to snorty.net who let me use this cartoon.  You can find lots more cartoons like these at the website www.snorty.net
The Metro

New MINI webring