Tyler's Not Nearly Done Yet Web Page

Please Bear with me I still have a long ways to go yet before I'm done....

      Just A brief description:

         For those of you that don't know me, my name is Tyler, I'm 19 yrs old from Watertown/Occonomowoc, WI area.  I live on a 40 acre farm I just moved into in November,  you can see some pics of my farm through a link below.  I grew up about 30 miles from here in Brookfield, WI where I went to H.S.  I've been working for Musson Bros Construction since I got out of High School last year (99).  I took a year off of school but am planning on being in school at UW-Whitewater in the Fall of 2000. 
         I've got a lot a lot of hobbies which include my trucks (see below), women (they consume money and time, they can be a hobby can't they?), partying, traveling around the country,  hunting, fishing, camping, doing just about anything outdoors  I'm planning on having horses on my farm by this spring.  Thats about all I have right now, to find out more stop back here or e-mail me wicowboy@gateway.net.

My Toys

My Farm

If you love Ford Trucks like I do, you HAVE to check out this site!!!