in Western Australia

My Favorite Links:

Me Scott Penny


Learn more about sandboarding here:
Sandboarding Magazine

Hi. Let me tell you about myself. I like to sandboard and I currently have 3 home made sandboards. If I am not sandboarding I am at school dreaming about sandboarding. By the way that is not me in the pic

A must visit
Joe Cartoons

My hobbies and interests include, Sandboarding, bowling, riding motor bikes, driving cars,  traveling around W.A., outdoor activities, camping and surfing the web.


Me in the air :)

       or my       
ICQ number is 47937882

Locations of sanddunes in W.A

Albany: Bluff Creek and Nanarrup
Perth: Burns Beach, Mindarie Keys and Swanbourne
Esperance, Geraldton, Lancelin, Moore River, Pinnacles Desert Sand Dunes, Yeagerup Dunes.
Email me if you want a location added that I have not included, or you have any guestions.

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