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Welcome to Poohba Productions!
The internet home of BL Peters, Jr.
I specialize in digital photography, short films, and fine gourmet cooking.
Some even dare to call me Iron Chef Southern.
Site last updated 4/17/04
I never update this thing, so why the hell are you looking at it?
BL's Blog
Email BL!
Wow, almost an entire year without a single update.  I don't know why I don't update this thing more often, as I have tons of photos to share with the world.

Nothing exciting happening around here these days.

I don't know why I even bother with a website.

Anywho, this thing is due for a major overhaul, so at least I got that going for me, eh? :)

Heck, I might even add some photos, since I am an amatuer photographer these days.  My photos have been getting quite a bit of acclaim, but all of the credit must go to my cameras.  A Fuji Finepix S5000 and a Canon Rebel (thanks Pap!).

It's 6AM and I've already been up for three hours.  Just three more hours till I hit the road.

That's that and I'm me...

BumbleBee TUNA!
Redneck Deathmatch II pics
Kingsport Times-News
VA/NC/SC Invitational Pics
2000 Holiday Pictures
2000 Mother's Day
UT Spring Game 2000 pics
Grinder & Wife
© 2004 Poohba Productions
This page optimized for those who care.