Motocross is the only real mans sport!
If you cant race it or take it to bed it aint worth having.
If i could ride her as much as i ride my bike i would be home right now.
Baseball, football, basketball, an golf only require one ball, racing motocross takes two
Ditch the Bitch, lets go riding!
Life without racing is no life at all
Loud, Fast, and out of control.
Crashing sucks!
Real men drive a Dodge
The difference between men and boys is the speed of their toys.
If you cant ride with the big boys then put it back on the trailer.
Once your over the hill you just pick up speed.
It dont hurt till the bone shows
Dont Hesitate, Accelerate
Champions: Expect pain, endure pain, and never complain
if a man rides in the woods where his wife cant hear him, is he still wrong?
Its not extreme, Its stupid
The only triples you do are the ones at wendys
Girls are like motorcycles, their high mantenance
Hold my trophy while I kiss your girlfriend
"KEEPER" - Shes rich, smart, beautiful, and wiling to clean the air filter
To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid
If it wasnt for the uncontrolable need to impress girls we would all be sitting around
If you find a girl wiling to wash your bike........marry her
She said if I go riding one more time shes gonna leave me............Im gonna miss her
Always wear clean underwear, you never know when the paramedics might need to cut them off
Do you fly in you dreams?
For all you ladies out there: My dirt bikes an i come as a package
Things that turn me on: Motorcycles, American Trucks, an Mr.Spots
XRF50F: when a hobby turns into a sickness
BBR Motorsports
Call me: 250-2631
#252 #72