[This website is recommended by Native Americans @ Buffalo Trails] URGENT ALERT! Leonard Peltier�s Safety Is In Jeopardy! Posted By admin On January 21, 2009 @ 12:33 pm In Featured, News | Comments Disabled [1] 20 January 2009 URGENT ALERT! Leonard Peltier�s Safety Is In Jeopardy! Dear LP Supporters, I am so OUTRAGED! My brother Leonard was severely beaten upon his arrival at the Canaan Federal Penitentiary. When he went into population after his transfer, some inmates assaulted him. The severity of his injuries is that he suffered numerous blows to his head and body, receiving a large bump on his head, possibly a concussion, and numerous bruises. Also, one of his fingers is swollen and discolored and he has pain in his chest and ribcage. There was blood everywhere from his injuries. We feel that prison authorities at the prompting of the FBI orchestrated this attack and thus, we are greatly concerned about his safety. It may be that the attackers, whom Leonard did not even know, were offered reduced sentences for carrying out this heinous assault. Since Leonard is up for parole soon, this could be a conspiracy to discredit a model prisoner. He was placed in solitary confinement and only given one meal, this is generally done when you won�t name your attackers; incidentally being only given one meal seriously jeopardizes his health because of his diabetes. Prison officials refuse to release any info to the family, but they need to hear from his supporters to protect his safety, as does President Obama. His attorneys are trying to get calls into him now. This attack on LP comes on the heels of the FBI�s recent letter, prompting this attack by FBI supporters as an attempt to discredit LP as a model prisoner. Anyone who has been in the prison system knows well that if you refuse to name your attackers or file charges against them, then you lose your status as a victim and/or given points against your possible parole and labeled as a perpetrator. It is not uncommon, in fact is quite common for the government to use Indian against Indian and they still operate under the old adage �it takes an Indian to catch an Indian�. In 1978, they made an attempt to assassinate him through another Indian man who was also at Marion prison with LP. But Standing Deer chose to reveal the plot to him instead of taking his life in exchange FOR A CHANCE AT FREEDOM. When Standing Deer was released in 2001, he joined the former Leonard Peltier Defense Committee as a board member. He also began to speak on Leonard�s behalf until his murder six years ago today. Prior to his murder, Standing Deer confided with close friends and associates that the same man who visited him in Marion to assassinate Peltier, had came to Houston, TX and told him that he had better stay away from Peltier and anything to do with him. We are aware that currently, the FBI is actively seeking support for his continued imprisonment of Leonard Peltier and also also seeking support from Native People. So please be aware, and keep Leonard in your prayers. The FBI is apparently afraid of the impact we are having. If they will set him up to blemish his record just before a parole hearing, what will they do when it looks like his freedom will become a reality? We need to make sure that nothing happens to him again! Please write the President, send it priority or registered mail. Email to Change.gov or email President Obama. Call your congressional representatives and write letters, not email, to them. Do what you can to get the word out to insure that LP is receiving adequate medical attention for his injuries. I am asking you, supporters of Leonard and advocates of justice at this time to help. I don�t know what else to do. Please Help! Thank you. Betty Ann Peltier-Solano Executive Coordinator Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee Also call and request Leonard be treated with dignity and respect. Canaan Federal Prison: 570-488-8000. Urgent!!!! Write to the Federal Bureau of Prisons on behalf of Leonard Peltier regarding his transfer of Monday, January 12th 2009!!!!! January 9, 2009 Leonard is being uprooted and relocated to a different prison on Monday, January 12th, 2009. Turtle Mountain is requesting that Leonard be transferred to the reservation�s custody, and as alternatives there are federal facilities in Sandstone, Minnesota and Oxford, Wisconsin which could accommodate him. Please send the following correspondence or similar as soon as possible to: Federal Bureau of Prisons Designation and Sentence Computation Center (DSCC) Grand Prairie Office Complex U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Complex 346 Marine Forces Drive Grand Prairie, TX 75051 E-mail to: GRA-DSC/PolicyCorrespondence&AdminRemedies@bop.gov Or Fax to: 972-352-4395 Re: Leonard Peltier ##89637-132 Dear DSCC Officials: I am contacting you seeking consideration for Mr. Leonard Peltier who will be transferred from Lewisburg, Pennsylvania on Monday, January 12th, 2009. Mr. Peltier has been a model prisoner and deserves to be transferred to a lower security prison based on his prison history and the BOP�s publicized standards of transfer requirements. The Turtle Mountain Indian Reservation has passed a tribal resolution asking to take custody and care for Mr. Peltier, including oversight of his integration plan and post placement. Please consider this option for Mr. Peltier�s transfer first and foremost. Mr. Peltier should be transferred to a facility close to his home based on the hardship policy of the Bureau of Prisons, because not only has he grown older while in prison, but his family has grown older, is on a fixed income which limits the time they can visit him. Mr. Peltier has served over 32 years in prison, more than half of his life, and deserves to be close to his family during this crucial time in his and their lives. He has several bad health conditions that warrant attention and as most well know is reaching the life expectancy of prisoners. For these reasons I ask that you transfer Mr. Peltier to the Turtle Mountain Reservation�s custody as soon as possible. The alternatives that would help satisfy this request are either the federal facility in Sandstone Minnesota or Oxford Wisconsin as both are near in proximity to his family. In the name of all things good and humane, I ask you to do the right thing for compassion�s sake in the transfer of Leonard Peltier today. Thank you and may the Creator bless you. Sincerely, ���������������������������������� Please write to the Federal Bureau of Prisons on behalf of Leonard Peltier regarding his transfer of Monday, January 12th, 2009!!!!! January 9, 2009 Dear Friends & Family: We are aware that the Bureau of Prisons has a standard reply to the e-mails sent to the DSCC. Please do not stop writing the DSCC because by filling up their in-box, we are making them notice our requests. To assure that the proper officials are getting the message about Leonard�s transfer please cc e-mails directly to Lewisburg USP at the e-mail or address below. Thank you. Warden USP Lewisburg US Penitentiary 2400 Robert F. Miller Drive Lewisburg, PA 17837 Phone: 570-523-1251 Fax: 570-522-7745 E-mail: LEW/EXECASSISTANT@BOP.GOV Also contact: D. Scott Dodrill, Regional Director Northeast Regional Office US Custom House 2nd & Chesnut Street Philadephia, PA 19106 Phone: 215-521-7301 E-mail: NERO/EXECASSISTANT@BOP.GOV

Healthy Mind and Body by Mary


~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE MOON: Recent serious scientific research is showing that the power of the MOON does affect life on earth. Like the planet Earth, our bodies are 75% water. The Moon is known to effect the high and low (tides/moods); the Moon does affect our bodies and our minds. Start new projects when the moon is waxing from dark to full moon. Use the full strength of the moon (from full to dark moon) for reflection and reorganization. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The goal of this Website is to help you harmonize your ego self with its counterpart the Soul aspect of who you really are and receive from it, direct Divine Knowledge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GRAVITY AND RELAXATION EXERCISE: Lie face up on a mat or thick blanket placed on the floor and relax. (The floor provides a hard, uncomfortable surface which will imme�diately let you know about the variety of ways you hold tension within your body. You will either have to get up or relax totally.) A small cushion may be placed under the head. Let the weight of your body sink into the floor. Begin breathing in a rhythmic fashion. Bring your attention to your torso and head. Inhale and tense the muscles of your stomach, chest, and neck. Exhale and relax totally, feeling the weight of your body sinking into the floor. Do this several times. Concentrate now on your left arm. Inhale and make a fist, tensing the entire arm, and raise the limb off the floor about six inches. Exhale, and relax your arm. Allow it to drop to the floor. Do this a number of times until the limb feels totally relaxed and falls readily with the force of gravity. Now center your attention on your right arm from hand to shoulder. As you inhale, make a fist, tensing all the muscles in your arm, and raise your arm off the floor about six inches. Exhale and relax your arm completely, allowing it to fall back to the floor. Repeat several times until the arm is relaxed. Next, focus your attention on your left leg from hip to foot. As you inhale, lift your leg about eight inches off the floor. Bend your foot so that your toes are pointing toward your head. Tense all the muscles in your leg. Exhale and relax all tension in your leg, letting it drop to the floor. Repeat several times until your leg is fully relaxed. Focus your attention on your right leg from hip to foot. As you inhale, lift your leg about eight inches off the floor. At the same time, bend your foot so that your toes are pointing toward your head. Tense all the muscles in your leg. Exhale and relax your leg completely, allowing it to fall back to the floor. Do this a number of times until the limb feels totally relaxed and falls readily with the force of gravity. Tense your whole body several times and then relax totally. Let yourself take a few deep sighs. Do this a number of times until at length you feel as though you were melting into the floor, carrying all the tension out of your body like a stream of water from melting ice. Give yourself up wholly to the support of the floor. Accept the fact that the floor can easily hold up the weight of your body. Relax and let it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHEEL OF THE YEAR Yule (Winter Solstice, circa December 21) is the shortest day of the year. The Goddess gives birth to her Son, the God. Since the God is symbolized by the Sun, this marks the point of the year when the God is reborn as well. Thus, Wiccans light fires or candles to welcome the Sun's returning light. The Goddess, slumbering through the Winter of Her labour, rests after the delivery. Wiccans celebrate the return journey of the Sun, and the life it will bring. Yule is seen as a reminder that death is followed by rebirth. On Imbolc (February 2), the Goddess recovers from giving birth to the God. The lengthening periods of light awaken her. The God's strength is increasing and He is now a young, lusty boy. The warmth of the Sun fertilizes the earth (the Goddess), causes seeds to germinate and sprout. And so Imbolc celebrates the earliest stirrings of Spring. It is a time of purification, creativity, and inspiration, a welcoming of change from the old to the new. This is a traditional time for Wiccan initiations and dedications. Ostara (Spring Equinox, circa March 21) marks the first day of true Spring. The hours of day and night are equal. The Goddess fully regains her strength and and envelops the earth with fertility. Light is overtaking darkness, and the young God is now maturing. The slowness of Winter is taken over by the fruitful bustle of Spring. Ostara is a time for beginnings, action, and planting opportunities for the future. Beltane (May 1) marks the emergence of the young God into manhood. Nature flourishes and He is stirred by the abundance of energy. The God desires the Goddess. They fall in love and unite. The Goddess becomes pregnant, which ensures new life after the harvest. Beltane celebrates vitality, passion, love, and desires consummated. Litha (Summer Solstice, circa June 21) is the longest day of the year. The God is at the peak of his power, as is all of nature's bounty. The Earth is awash in the fertility of the Goddess and God. It is the high time of the Sun and is marked with festivals of fire. In the past, bonfires were leapt to encourage fertility, purification, health and love. Litha is a classic time for magick of all kinds. Lammas (August 1) is the time of the first harvest, when the plants of Spring drop their fruits or seeds. Summer is waning; the nights grow longer. So too the God begins to lose His strength. He becomes the God of sacrifice, being cut down in the fields. The Goddess watches in sorrow and joy as She realizes the God is dying, yet lives on inside Her as Her child. Lammas is a time for giving thanks for what we have and making offerings of gratitude. It is a reminder that nothing in the universe is constant. On Mabon (Autumn Equinox, circa September 21), once again day and night are equal. The God prepares to take His journey into the unseen, towards death. This is the completion of the harvest begun at Lammas, when the fields are cleared of their bounty. Nature draws back, readying for winter and its time of rest. The Goddess nods in the weakening Sun, though fire burns within Her womb. She feels the presence of the God even as He wanes. Samhain (October 31) marks the Pagan New Year. In the past, this was the time when animals were slaughtered to ensure food for the through the depths of Winter. Identified with the animals, the God falls as well to ensure continuing existence. The veil between the worlds of life and death is said to be thin on this night. Samhain is a time of reflection, looking back over the last year, coming to terms with death, and honoring ancestors.After Samhain, Yules comes around again, and so the cycle continues. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Please Stop by the Llewellyn Section for Superior Books
You can never read too much. Books are always a great gift, and there are a few that are always timeless. Wide selection of Witchcraft Wiccan and pagan books to help with a pagan lifestyle.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Try this Power Shake when you need a quick energy boost. Just add the following into a blender: 10 oz. apple juice, half a banana, 1 tbsp. nonfat yogurt, 1 tbsp. soy protein, 1 tsp. bee pollen granules, 2 tsp. spirulilna powder and blend at high speed till smooth. You need to remember that there is no miracle substance. You still need to work to get the body you've always wished for. Don't let your fat hang out and over your belt!!! BURN THOSE CALORIES!

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      The Huffington PostJune 12, 2008 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      The End Of America Movie
      Click here for the ACLU
      ACLU Demands Information On Military Deployment Within U.S. Borders Deployment Erodes Longstanding Separation Between Civilian And Military Government CONTACT: (212) 549-2666; media@aclu.org http://www.aclu.com/safefree/general/37274prs20081021.html NEW YORK � The American Civil Liberties Union today demanded information from the government about reports that an active military unit has been deployed inside the U.S. to help with "civil unrest" and "crowd control" � matters traditionally handled by civilian authorities. This deployment jeopardizes the longstanding separation between civilian and military government, and the public has a right to know where and why the unit has been deployed, according to an ACLU Freedom of Information request filed today. "The military's deployment within U.S. borders raises critical questions that must be answered," said Jonathan Hafetz, staff attorney with the ACLU National Security Project. "What is the unit's mission? What functions will it perform? And why was it necessary to deploy the unit rather than rely on civilian agencies and personnel and the National Guard? Given the magnitude of the issues at stake, it is imperative that the American people know the truth about this new and unprecedented intrusion of the military in domestic affairs." According to a report in the Army Times, the Army recently deployed an active military unit inside the United States under Northern Command, which was established in 2002 to assist federal homeland defense efforts and coordinate defense support of civil authorities. This deployment marks the first time an active unit has been given a dedicated assignment to Northern Command. Civilian authorities, not the military, have historically controlled and directed the internal affairs of the United States. This rule traces its origins to the nation's founding and has been reaffirmed in landmark statutes including the Posse Comitatus Act, which helps preserve the foundational principles of our Constitution and democracy. "This is a radical departure from separation of civilian law enforcement and military authority, and could, quite possibly, represent a violation of law," said Mike German, ACLU national security policy counsel and former FBI Agent. "Our Founding Fathers understood the threat that a standing army could pose to American liberty. While future generations recognized the need for a strong military to defend against increasingly capable foreign threats, they also passed statutory protections to ensure that the Army could not be turned against the American people. The erosion of these protections should concern every American." In order to assess the implications of the recent deployment, the ACLU requested the Departments of Justice, Homeland Security and Defense today to immediately make public all legal opinions, executive orders, presidential directives, memos, policy guidance, and other documents that authorize the deployment of military troops for domestic purposes. Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the Department of Defense has dramatically expanded its role in domestic law enforcement and intelligence operations, including the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapping programs, the Department of Homeland Security's use of military spy satellites, and the participation of military personnel in state and local intelligence fusion centers. The ACLU has repeatedly expressed concern about these incremental encroachments of the military into domestic affairs, and the assignment of active duty troops to Northern Command only heightens these concerns. A copy of the ACLU's information request is available online at: www.aclu.org/safefree/general/37272lgl20081021.html Subscribe