Hello friends welcome to the COOLBABES SITE. I've made this site last 1999 as a place to hangout with my friends share a little bit of our lives and just enjoy being young and free. So many years have passed since the creation of this site and so many looks. The last time I've updated this was last 2004 I guess you could say it's quite awhile but I decided not to change the theme of the page (though its quite old) but at least what you will see is a little bit update of our lives. We used to dream of what our lives would be but now slowly we are living the life we wish we could have. Our friendship still remains through time and distance so many changes happen but here's to the hope that may life brings us more Joy and Blessings as we journey our life separately but always counting on our friends to be there for us.
My friends I thank you so much for everything for all the joys, the fun, the adventure, the silliness and just for being there all through the years this page is dedicated to all of you. I have meet many friends since then but this one is a page dedicated to the friends I have last 1999 and all the crazinesss of life we've been through. Its really worth knowing all of you so enjoy this site.
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