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Aircraft modeling is one of the most exciting hobbies available in the world. It involves many interests, disciplines, and skills. Some of these are aerodynamics, electronics,mechanics, drafting and design, composite material construction, and woodworking, and these are in the airplane alone. There are many other fields of interest in the hobby of aircraft modeling; far too many and too varied to try to list. Many people find that many new skills must be learned before they are ready to begin to learn to fly. The hobby is constantly changing as new technology is developed. A new modeler may become frustrated at times but certainly not bored.
From the grace and silent beauty that is a modern glider, through the gravity - defying antics of an aerobatic bi - plane, to the gut-wrenching performance of a ducted - fan jet aircraft; aeromodelling has something for everyone.

This site is built especially to help all the aspiring Indian aeromodellers,who crave for the sight of thier model drifting away in the breeze or zoom past in a roll at more than 200 miles an hour.The equipment available out here are scarce and expensive,also very little professional training is available and one has to work very hard to get his first R/C bird into the air.Please go through the equipment list,and the beginners section..and the people to contact for help.I have been doing this ever since i was a kid ...and trust me ..Its a whole world of fun and thrill.

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