Twin Sisters trail area in Colville National Forrest


If you can’t make the drive to Ellensburg’s Manastash area, you should make the Twin Sisters trail a must see. This trail starts out in a beautiful meadow. The rocky road passes an old slanted log cabin that will make you want to get out and investigate. After that, you ascend a steep and twisty road to the several summits. This is just one of the trails. There are trails that even a stock car or truck can drive on with some very astounding sites. Huckleberry mountain and the XXX?XXX scenic loop drive off of the Sherman Pass National Scenic Byway


To get to the area which is about 1 ½ hours from Spokane on Highway 395. Go past Colville to Kettle Falls. Follow Highway 395 over the Lake Roosevelt and proceed north towards Canada on 395. About 6 miles from the bridge you will find Deadman Creek Road. Follow this dirt road about 6-10 miles in. You will pass a Colville National Forrest signs. Camping is allowed in many well used sites, but is primitive entirely, and wonderful! The other direction after the bridge is the Sherman Pass byway. Huckleberry mountain and the XXX?XXX trail loop are down that road.


MORE info on trail head locations!!! Both for ‘Twin Sisters’ and ‘Huckleberry Mtn’ ETC!


Remember, responsible ORV users TREAD LIGHTLY and pack OUT what they pack in! Please contact the Spokane 4 Wheelers at 509-893-9209 or for more. To keep these resources available to responsible ORV users, contact your representatives and urge them to support multiple use areas. The Spokane 4 Wheelers are members of the Pacific Northwest 4 Wheel Drive Association, PNW4WDA.


The Spokane4Wheelers club motto: 

  • Keep the forest green, tread lightly, and promote responsible 4 wheeling. 
  • Pack it in-Pack it out, place garbage in proper receptacles. 
  • Have Reverence, travel to places only few get to see, respect what's there, and leave it the way you found it.


For more information see:


Map to area