Hi, I'm Scott and I'm 20 years old. I graduated from high school in 1999 and am working on a career as a welder/fabricator. some of my hobbies are: welding, working on trucks, going 4byin, hangin out with my friends, surfing, snowboarding, riding dirtbikes, and messin around on my computer.
This is my beautiful girlfriend Donelle, or Doni for short, whom I love very much.. She lives about 3 hours north of where I live. We are visiting eachother on and off right now, getting used to being around eachother often so when the time comes for her to move closer and go to college we can get a place together so we won't have to be apart.
^ There it is, my truck, I'm sure if you got here by talking to me you have heard about my truck, well there it is, my other baby.
Check that out ^. that's what the doctor put in my leg after I broke it. I finally had my last surgery and got to take it out and keep it, kinda cool huh?
My Truck
My Brother's Truck
Dad's Truck
Larry's Blazer
Neil's Blazer
This is how the rod was positioned with the screw in my leg, the big end of the rod being at my knee and the smaller end with the screw in it being almost at my ankle.
My 4X4 Homepage
Other Pics
My Brother's business
Links to some cool MetallicA pages
......And more Metallica