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In the late 1800's

In the late 1800's, a man herding cattle in Diamond Fork Canyon, east of Utah Valley, in Utah, had to chase some of his herd out of a small box canyon, where they liked to hide in the tall brush and oak trees.  The canyon is surrounded with red rock towers and wind blown shapes that should only appear in the canyon lands of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona.  Several older cows seemed to know that they were safe in the canyon and would not come out.  The man had to get off his horse and physically force the cows out of the canyon.  He had to get to a vantage point somewhere in the canyon to see if anymore cattle were still in hiding.  Climbing up on a ledge where he could view the entire canyon, the man was suprised by what he saw. There on the face of the cliff, under a waterfall, was a large SUN inscription etched deep into the rock.  He inspected it very closely and could see that it had been carved many years before.

It measured 30 inches in diameter, and was etched into the rock at least 3/8 of an inch or more in some spots, while most of it is about 1/4 of an inch deep.  Compass readings reveal that the SUN is facing due west.  The six rays coming off the head may represent the 6 waters found in the canyon.  They are so named, First Water, Second Water, etc...    At the base of the first ray protruding from the sun, is a small round hole.  It was first thought to be caused by a bullet.  After close examination it was proven to be purposely carved. It was suggested that perhaps the hole indicated the possibility of a treasure of cache buried somewhere along the river, either at Sixth Water, or at the mouth of the canyon.So far, nothing has been located.

Not too far from the Sun is part of the famous Dominguez/Escalante Trail.  Could it have been one of their parties who carved the Sun into the hard red rock?  Or was it an ancient traveler passing through the canyon hundreds or maybe even thousands of years ago?  It is indeed a mystery that has yet to be solved.

Ancient Crowns

Ancient Metal Tablets

Spanish Silver

Uinta Silver Cross

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