Soon Lee, P.E.
4000 Silverglade Court


Contact in Korea: 822-3466-7075
Contact in USA: 614-775-9850

To be part of a project management team for large projects in Asia as Planner/Scheduler, System Assurance Manager, Contracts Manager, Construction Manager, Senior Design Manager

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore (1988)
Master in Business Administration (Partial Completion), Ohio State University (1989).

Licenses :
Registered Professional Engineer
of Ohio & Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1993)

Primavera Project Planner P3, Suretrak, Artemis, MicroSoft Project 2000, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, WSPRO, HEC-2, HY-8, AutoCAD 2000, AutoLisp and MicroStation. Web-design HTML Programming, Avsim, Relex

Fluent in English, Malay, Bahasa Indonesia, Chinese-Mandarin, Taiwanese, Cantonese.

Program Manager & System Assurance Manager

New Bundang Line, Seoul Subway System, Korea (USD1.25 Billion)
Develop Project Master Schedule in Primavera Project Planner P3 (version 3.0) and Time Chainage Diagram (AutoCAD2002) for project wide program management in the design/construction of 20km of New Bundang Line from Gangnam Station in Seoul southward to Jeongja Station  in Bundang District (6 underground stations, one depot, one track contract, five systems contract, one rolling stock contract). Developed contract package strategy, interface controls, Cost breakdown/scope of work project wide. Update Progress Project master Schedule, monitor monhtly CPM and Milestone Summary Schedule.

Develop system assurance criteria for this new line based on American NFPA 130 & EN50126 European Standard for Rail system. Develop Electronic Document Control (PMIS) using Primavera Expedition 9.0. Developed Overall Rail System Architecture.

Program Manager  

Sep 2001- Sep 2003
Taiwan High Speed Rail – Develop, integrate and manage overall Project Master Schedule and interfaces of high speed rail line from Taipei to Kaohsiung, covering a distance of 345 km of rail involving 6 stations, 5 depots, 12 civil works contracts [design-built viaducts & tunnels], 5 track contracts (design-built) and 1 core system contract [Rolling Stocks and 7 subsystems] collectively valued at USD 15 billion.

System Assurance Manager

June 2001 – Sep 2001                                                                                              DMJM International  / Sinotech -Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation. Conduuct Safety Review, Reliability Availability & Maintainability (RAM) analysis, FMECA, Fault Tree analysis, Deterministic Safety Assessment, HAZOP analysis, FRACAS for Taiwan High Rail Tsoying Station Terminal Station (USD300 mil). Develop System Assurance Demonstration Plan.

Program Manager

Nov 1999 – May 2001
DMJM International /Sinotech -Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation
Overall program management for design of Tsoying Station. Develop schedule for design, Interface Management, Construction Report and Program of Tsoying High Speed Rail Station in Kaoshiung, Taiwan

Contracts Manager
Jul 1998-Oct 1999
URS Greiner. KL International Airport, Site Office, Sepang, Malaysia
Post-construction contracts [FIDIC] administration, claims analysis and final accounts reconciliation. Review change orders and contract management of claims by contractor.

Construction Manager
Jan 98-Jun 98
URS Greiner, KL International Airport Site Office, Malaysia (USD 4 Billion )
Construction Management of Total Airport Management System (TAMS) for Building Management System (BMS) and Security Subsystem (Package PTC 4 USD 400 million , with 17 subsystems). Schedule monitoring/ tracking of Critical Path for overall PTC 4 program using P3. In charge of tracking the progress of construction of  Track Transit System [People Mover] from Main Terminal Building Contact Pier to Satellite Building through tunnel. [1.2 km of elevated guideway].

Planning Manager
Mar 96-Dec 97
URS Greiner Malaysia, KL International Airport Site Office, Sepang, Malaysia.
In charge of project planning, scheduling and construction management. Developed and monitored Project Master Schedule for overall airport construction comprising Runways and Aprons, Perimeter roads, utilities, privatized and support packages. Review contractors’ baseline work program. Advice on claims defense using CPM techniques.


Senior Project Manager
Feb 1995 - Mar 96 :
John E. Foster & Assoc
555 Buttles Avenue, Columbus, Ohio
Design of highways and bridges using AutoCad and Softdesk 7 software . Hydraulic analysis of bridges over waterways. Preparation of Line, Grade & Typical (LG&T) Submission, Type Size & Location (TS&L) Submission and Field &Office Check (F&OC) Submission for bridges and highways & Review compliance . Supervision of highway design engineers and technicians.

Project Manager
Jun. 1993 - Jan. 95
Columbus Engineering Consultants, Inc
950 Michigan Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.

In charge of development of highway plans, bridges, site development, street improvements, supervision of survey crew, proposal preparation and presentation. Hydraulic analysis report preparation for bridges over waterways (WSPRO, HEC-2 and HY-8). Extensive use of DCA and Autocad to design Highway Geometry, using Advanced Design, DTM, Earthworks, Cogo and Survey modules. Research and development to automate highway and bridges culvert design using AutoLisp programming and Microstation.

Highway Design Engineer
Oct. 1991 -Jun.1993
MS Consultants Inc
6500 Busch Blvd, Columbus, OH 43229.

Geometric design for highways, site plans preparation for bridges using AutoCad and DCA/Softdesk. Open channel flow hydraulic computations using various hydrology software. Construction cost estimates, contracts and bidding review.

Project Engineer
Oct 1988 -Aug. 1991
E.P. Ferris and Associates
766 Northwest Blvd, Columbus, OH 43215

Preparation of highway plans and street improvement. Design storm, sanitary sewers system and parking lots. Design non-complex bridges. Waste water treatment plant re-habilitation.

Other projects

Contruction Engineer (EIT)
April 1987 - 1988
Nishimatsu Constructor Inc, Singapore MRT
Site supervision of construction of Singapore City Hall station.

Large Scale International Projects

Airport Experience
KL International Airport, Sepang , Malaysia

Rail Experience
Taiwan High Speed Rail
Singapore MRT


Design Projects in the United States

1. Project Manager

Darke County DAR-49-5.91 (ODOT Metric Project)
Darke County DAR-49-10.72 (ODOT Metric Project)
Highway Geometric Design, approach reconstruction and replacement of existing structures with box culverts. Hydrological and hydraulic analyses using HY-8.

2. Project Manager

HIG-TR181-01.66 (Highland County)
Replacement of truss steel bridge over Brush Creek with 3 span box beam bridge; horizontal realignment of roadway with design exceptions. Hydrological and hydraulic analyses using WSPRO and scour analysis HEC-18.

3. Project Manager

UNI-CR101A-0.358 (Union County)
Realignment of 1000 feet roadway; replacement of existing structure with box culvert.

4. Project Engineer

GUE-209-12.57 (ODOT)
GUE-265-00.59 (ODOT)
GUE-660-02.52 (ODOT)
GUE-821-03.87 (ODOT)
GUE-821-04.80 (ODOT)
GUE-821-00.09 (ODOT)
Vertical and horizontal curve re-alignment for roadway. Replacement of existing bridges with box culverts.

5. Bridge Engineer

Holt Avenue (City of Columbus)
Overbrook Drive (City of Columbus)
Replacement of existing slab bridges with 3-sided prefabricated structure with approach reconstruction.
6. Highway Design Engineer

PIK-335-17.36 (ODOT)
Horizontal realignment of 2 km of SR 335, super-elevation design, cross section generation with the aid of Advanced Design, DTM and Survey Module in conjunction with FC-4 Topcon Data Collector.

7. Highway Design Engineer

Interstate 270 - Morse Road/Stelzer Road Interchange (ODOT)
Geometric design of 6 lanes collector distributor and Interchange using DCA. Traffic projection and evaluation of level of services ($100 million). Prepare Line, Grade & Typical Submission, Type Size & Location and Field & Office check. 8. Survey Supervisor

Morse Road (City of Columbus)
Preparation of 12000 feet of roadway plan, profile and cross section of Morse Road by using Topcon Data Collector and DCA (AutoCad ver. 12). Underground utility survey supervision.

9. Civil Engineer
Lomas Santa Fe Busway (Caltrans, Los Angeles)
Design and drafting of Soil Nail Wall using Microstation ver. 5.0 & Eagle Point

10. Civil Engineer
Pickaway/Franklin County SR 23 (ODOT)
12 miles resurfacing of SR 23. Pavement widening and Drainage design .

11. Project Engineer
Great Lake/Mid-Atlantic Corridor (Ohio Corridor Development Consortium) Corridor study from one mile north of US 22 and one-half mile north of US 32.

12. Project Engineer
( Parsons, De Leuw Inc , Chicago- Subconsultant)
Develop alternate interchange configurations exhibits for Interstate I- 270 outerbelt

13. Bridge Engineer
PIC-762-6.75 (ODOT)
PIC-762-7.77 (ODOT)
Replacement for structurally deficient bridges with composite box beam bridge and steel beam bridge. (Preliminary design).

14. Project Engineer
JAC-CR128-101.98 (Metric Project) Jackson County
Replacement for arch bridge with composite box beam bridge.

15. Civil Engineer
Jackson Waste Water Treatment Plant - Structural rehabilitation of waste water treatment plant. Piping , valves and pumps selection and installation. Drafting using GDS CADD System.

Other Projects
Singapore BP Gas Station (Structural Design Engineer EIT) 1987