Hello, my name is Austin R Thornton


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Ahalan - Ahoj - Alo - Alohara - Annyong Haseyo - Ba'axka Wa'alik -
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Buon Giorno - Chao Ong - Demat - Dia Dhuit - Dzien Dobry -
Gan Dag - Gia'sou - Goddag - Goeie - Gruess Gott - Halito - Hallo
Halo - Hei - Hej - Helele - HELLO - Helo - Hola - Hylo - Iakwe -
Jambo - Je - Kaixo - Kalimera - Kon Nichiwa - Kumusta - Lhas -
Magandang Tanghali Po - Marhaba Salam Alekom - Mehaba - Mirita -
Namaste - Napot - Nazdar - Ni Hao - Nimeni On - Nyobzoo - Oi -
Osiyo - Parev - Salam - Sa'lam - Salute- Saluton - Salve -Sawatdee -
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Click for Atlanta, GA Forecast Click for Fairbanks, AK Forecast Click for Bradford, PA Forecast click for Independence, MO Forecast Click for Mount Washington, New Hampshire Forecast Click for Death Valley, California Forecast

YOU have the special and unique privilege of being a victim
of one of my first attempts at constructing a webpage.

As such, it is a work in progress, with all that that implies. I certainly do
appreciate your visit and hope that it is/was/will be an enjoyable one.

Frequently Abused Links

Accuweather Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Drudge Report International Herald Tribune - Global Edition
Neal Boortz - Today's Nuze/Program Notes NewsMax
Official Time Rush Limbaugh
Science News Space
Wall Street Journal Editorial Page WSB Radio - News, Sports, and Weather
Yahoo! Deutschland Yahoo! News

Maps (and Related)

Google Maps Mapquest
Geography (The Basics) Latitude and Longitude
State Map of Georgia Cities - Georgia Road Map
(You can substitute other states in the URL)
State Map of GA Counties (and county seats)
(You can substitute other states in the URL)
USGS Topographic Maps World Atlas

Elections 2008

Barack Obama Official Site Democratic National Convention 2008
Fact(s) Check How Obama Got Elected
John McCain Official Site New York Times - The 2008 Elections
On The Issues - Poltical Leaders' Views Presidential Candidates on Science
Republican National Convention 2008 USA Today - Elections/Politics

Religious Entities - Links

(Campus) Church of Christ - Norcross, GA Greater Atlanta Christian School
(Affiliated With CampusChurch - Norcross, GA)
Cathedral of Christ the King
(Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta, GA)
Cathedral of St. Philip
(Episcopal Archdiocese of Atlanta, GA)
Church of the Common Ground Church of the Epiphany
Church of Our Saviour Deutsche Kirchengemeinde
(German Church) of Atlanta, GA
Druid Hills UMC Eagle's Nest Ministry
First Baptist Church - Woodstock, GA First Presbyterian Church - Atlanta, GA
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annuciation Intown Community Assistance Center
Open Door Community Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church
Safe House Outreach St Luke's Episcopal Church - Atlanta, GA
The Vatican St Francis de Sales Roman Catholic Chuch
(Latin Rite) - Atlanta, GA

Less Frequently Abused Links

Absurd Report Acronyms - Dictionary
American Solutions Atlanta Braves Official Website
Atlanta Falcons Official Website Atlanta Hawks Official Website
Atlanta Thrashers Official Website Believe in the Magic of Your Dreams
Bug Me Not Capitol Hill Blog
Currency Converter Deutsche Welle
Dictionary - Other Languages/Translator Georgia Carry
Georgia Christian Alliance Germany + History - Google Search (1st 50 results out of 80,000,000)
Goethe-Zentrum Atlanta, GA Government Made Easy - The Link to ALL Levels of Gov't (Federal to Local)
Gwinnett Braves Official Website How Stuff Works
Independence, MO Examiner Ipse Dixit
Inflation Calculator Jamie Dupree Washington Insider
Kansas City Channel Kansas City, MO News
Kansas City Royals Official Website Kansas City Chiefs Official Website
Major League Baseball National Football League
NCAA Football National Geographic
National Rifle Association News Busters
Online Conversions Pay Check City
Politics and Government in the five (majority of population)
German-Speaking Countries
Real Clear Politics
Roman Catholic Mass (Current Rite) Roman Catholic Mass (Tridentine Rite - Latin w/ English Translation)
Roy's Racing Rotisserie Say Anything Blog
Science and the Bible Select Smart
Smoking Gun Snopes (Rumor Has It...)
Southern Party of Georgia Spiegel Online
Stiff Right Jab Straight Dope
Syndicate Pig This Day in Alternate History
This Day in Real History This Day in Sports History
This Day in Weather History Townhall
Wayback Machine Wikipedia
World Climate Report World Net Daily

Comic Strips/Political Cartoons/Quizzes/Other Fun Things

http://www.eduplace.com/main.html Education Place Index
Brain Teasers and Trick Questions Calvin and Hobbes
Comic Strips and Panels/
Syndicated Editorial Cartoons
Daryl Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index
Fun Quizzes Fun Quizzes For Kids
Jokes Jokes For Kids
Landover Baptist Mallard Fillmore
Mother Goose and Grimm Onion
Political Comedy - Unfair and Unbalanced Red Planet Political Cartoons
Go Comics Yahooligans

Categories of Interest

The following table contains links to broad subject areas concerning things that I have
a continuing interest in. They will eventually lead to various links across the internet.
Currently, this entire section is under (re)-construction.

Boy Scouts of America Beware of the Gun Grabbers
Education, Jobs, Resumes, etc Global Warming
Government/Military Humor
Hard Sciences/Unit Conversions Miscellaneous
News Politics
Regional Transit Systems (Metro Atlanta, GA) Religion
Sports The "Loyal Opposition
Various Information Searches/Search Engines Weather


This is a link to miscellaneous websites that haven't, as of yet, and possibly never will
graduate to status in my various categories. There are some dead links here. Click Here


You can use this tool (courtesy of google.com) to search the net for information on almost any subject
that you are interested in exploring. Simply type in a few descriptive words of what you are looking for
(e. g. movie parodies, Adolph Hitler, etc), click on search, and the Google Search Engine will do the rest.

For best results, use the following format:
+"term" +"term" +"term" for however much description
you need to define what you are searching for; e.g.
+"Holman Hunt" +"paintings" +"The Shadow of Death"

The space between the closing quotation marks
and the + sign(s) is/are important.

To extend the search, you can try deleting the quotation marks or rephrasing
or changing the parameters. Click on "search" on this page (above) for other ideas.

Happy Searching!

Out of the Mainstream

Have you ever thought about what the word "mainstream" means?
The best place to fish? The traffic flow on Main Street? A new way to
get high? Click here to get a different perspective. It's food for thought.
It's why millions of us will be reluctantly voting Republican this year (2008);
folks that would be voting Democrat, IF there was a Democrat worth voting for.


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that you have graced my site with your
presence by signing my guestbook.

While I will NOT be in your debt for doing so, I do appreciate it. Thank you.

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Thanks for visiting my website; I hope it is/was/will be a pleasurable experience.
My e-mail address is in the Yahoo! Geocities Profile listed above.

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